Bullshit Artist

I was relieved, too. This direction makes way more sense for the show. LSH would have been an out-of-nowhere wrench. Having the BWB back just works better.

Yup. Telegraphed that one with Jaime’s line. And he’s headed back to KL. Is the Kingslayer going to have to choke a bitch?

What is dead may never die.

Nah, Sharks are cartilaged.

Damn it Arya, you should have been more wary of anyone with a face you didn’t recognize

That’s the biggest sticky note I’ve ever seen.

Underrated and overrated are the worst categories in sports journalism. “Is Steph Curry’s defense better or worse than your perception of the public’s perception of Steph Curry’s defense?”

We know that Baylor’s report found “that Baylor “discouraged” women from reporting accusations, and “retaliated” against at least one who did.” And that members of the football staff were involved in those actions. We don’t know who yet because Baylor is withholding details, but Briles was the head of the football

I know she’s his daughter and worked up, but “unthinkable”? He got fired. He’s still got the millions of dollars they paid him. It’s not that bad.

Thank you for making my point much better than I did.

It’s going badly. Just like it does for any NBA player that goes through a cold shooting streak. hell, Steph’s and LeBron’s lines from their Game 3s are virtually identical. And their teams lost. Because teams lose when they shoot poorly. Shocking.

LeBron isn’t a guard. Russ has shot his team out of more games than we can count. Not being able to shoot makes a guard much less effective. It would make Steph less effective. It is not an interesting point.

That one dimension is the most important part of basketball. And he was the best ever at it for the entire year. How does “one-dimensional” decrease his value? I’m beginning to think you might actually be Cowherd.

That’s a stupid take even by Cowherd’s standards. What’s the point? If any NBA guard can’t shoot, what’s left? If any athlete’s most valuable skill magically disappeared, they would be worse. This is not a profound statement.

Then we wet the bed out of spite.

Hasn’t David Wright kind of sucked for a couple of years now? He should be thanking Harvey for taking the heat off.

Distinguishing that the “price” is not necessarily money is super important. We don’t know what price is paid for almost all Faceless Man killings. If the organization as a whole has a goal or desire, it is probably being advanced by the price charged rather than the killing.

I do not get the people that are so worked up about the direwolves dying. I felt nothing about Summer or Shaggydog, they were barely in the show or the books. They’re just not great characters. I’l feel bad if Ghost bites it because he’s been around, but the other wolves are just background noise.

They confirmed something else came from Martin earlier this season, I think. I can’t remember what it was at the moment, but I remember it being sort of a defensive move. Like “GRRM wrote it, don’t blame us.”

The men at the kingsmoot were pretty much only the lords and captains of the Iron Fleet. So Yara would have been able to count on her crew to stay with her. Since she was already in charge of a few ships, presumably those are the men that helped her steal the ships.