Bullshit Artist

Oh god, “fooling around.” She frames it like he was cheating on her. He wasn’t fooling around, he was raping women he thought were helpless.

Shaken: A Much Simpler Solution For My Parents.

Little early for the “former ace” tag there, NY Daily News. Have some chill.

He’s like the trolls that tell themselves they’re not really racist, they just play one online. No, fuck you buddy. You are what you do. And Ethan is a crazy little shit.

There’s always the next game!

Sam, the Deadspin comment section is not the place to attempt to vindicate yourself.

I look forward to the innovative strategy of playing 5 centers at the same time. Should be entertaining.

I think it looks more like he is grabbing Odor to do the typical basebrawl scuffle-and-get-pulled-apart rather than throw a full-on punch. But YMMV.

Yet they just let her send that stupid fucking name over the airwaves like it’s not a problem? Somebody think of the children.

Why do you care?

Truly the most Spursy of Totteringham Days.

Do you have any opinion on whether fresh grated nutmeg is worth the hassle of keeping whole nutmeg around? I used to watch a ton of Good Eats, and he harped about it all the time, but I’ve never bothered and sort of doubt that I could tell the difference.

If you had told me in 2006 that, in 10 years, I would hate Schilling way more than Clemens, I would have called you a goddamn liar. We live in a odd world.

Gretchen, stop trying to make ‘yoffs happen. It’s not going to happen.

The appropriate response to that letter would just be “Nah.”

My best days are ahead, because the relentless approach of death will bring me to the sweet nothingness of silent oblivion.

Is Patton already working again? Damn. I doubt I could be doing comedy if I were him. I still kind of tear up just seeing him.

If “Cowherd said something racist” was the standard, it would be impossible to get fired.

J.T. Realmuto Loses His Dong

“You shouldn’t talk about art unless you are an expert” is a hot ass take for someone criticizing the author of giving a hot take. And Hal Foster is a fucking idiot if he thinks media has a social responsibility to provide art criticism.