Bullshit Artist

Sounds like Ole Miss and Freeze’s problem, not Tunsil’s. So he should have lied to protect the millionaires in the NCAA? Tough shit for them.

I can’t wait til this starts happening in elections. Welcome to the future.

How is there enough gambling on some backwoods Spanish soccer game to justify match fixing? Marchamalo is barely famous enough to have a Wikipedia page.

It goes down in the DM, my man.

Look at the amazing verbal contortions this writer goes through to justify the Giants taking their 3rd choice instead of Tunsil. Having a shot at Tunsil is framed as a negative, when he never should have been available.

Stellar call on the ice. No idea how he saw that.

“How can anyone possibly tell who that is? I’ve got a mask on.”

Anonymous Scout a/k/a Roommate pissed that Apple never does the fucking dishes.

I thought CIty still being in was the result of PSG shitting the bed more than a lucky draw.

It’s ok. I know you hockey fans get all het up about the NBA being way more popular than the little rec league you watch. But chill. Look on the bright side, you can enjoy being a pretentious dick about watching hockey as long as nobody else watches.

Did you see Westbrook on Villanueva? This is some all time shit talking.

I would bet good money that he is just reading the SI piece on his phone there.

I got it from Skepchicks. Not sure if it’s theirs originally.

the 23rd exists to protect the third

Other people say mean things about you. Maybe call you a racist. Or a bigot. Maybe you get fired. Maybe you get shunned. Or you make a lot of money on a book tour because like-minded people want to give you money. You know, other people exercising their right to free speech.

Speech without consequences is the wish of a child. Free speech is something different. I’m sure you get it, but if playing a moron on the internet gets your rocks off, be my guest.

The funny part is that none of those under 25 guys (and they are always guys) have ever lived in a world where it was acceptable to talk that way. They just went from school to the real world and it makes them mad that racist jokes don’t fly out here.

lulz, you people and your demands for speech without consequences are so silly

oh noes, muh freeze peach