The Southern economy depended on slavery, and the Revolution was a close fought war. Slaves kept the Southern economy afloat while the young men who would typically be economic producers were fighting.
The Southern economy depended on slavery, and the Revolution was a close fought war. Slaves kept the Southern economy afloat while the young men who would typically be economic producers were fighting.
I bike to work daily.
Slavery pushed us through the American revolution. Still sucks.
What number am I thinking of right now?
Yeah right. I bet you slide over one of those panels and there's just some dude sitting there with a TI-83.
A nice idea for doing it on the cheap, but if you want to be thorough you should have a network of land-roving roombas.
All that stuff you said...Skrillexed.
An especially good thing about this model is there's no incentive for planned obsolescence. Profit is driven by how much the consumer uses the product, not how many of the products are sold.
I wonder if the covert reason to release it was for the name "mini." The phone isn't meant to compete with the iPhone 5 directly, but to undermine it. It's a marketing strategy to put the idea into the public consciousness that 4" is small for a phone.
I doubted it could be done. But congratulations feeya7, you have achieved perfect dumb.
I'm pretty sure China has conquered satellite technology. Although it's possible China's bomber pilots could plug their route into Maps. Wacky mishaps would undoubtedly ensue.
Very pretty. Look I know Apple decided that public transit takers are second-class citizens, but can we at least get in-map info on subway stops? It's an server-side fix that wouldn't even take long.
Shit. On the one hand I sympathize with the workers and their perpetual struggle against the soulless capitalist machine. On the other, my phone is scheduled to arrive on the 10th and hasn't shipped. I guess if I have to weigh thousands of humans toiling in squalor against my desire for instant gratification I gotta…
Yeah but it takes a million years to navigate. I just want a map app where I can search an address, hit a button, and have transit directions.
Does anyone know which one has the best transit directions?
Of course facebook, you can have my credit card info. Also here's my SSN and my mother's maiden name and the video from my last colonoscopy.
What kinda oldass phone is that.
"I like bananas, but I also like to know that someone has touched the food I'm about to eat."
"The downside is that Maps only offers driving directions, so public transit and walking directions no longer exist."
This pretty much sums up my feelings.