Bull Pucky (Retired)


I'm a misanthrope all year, so you're already a happier guy than I!

I've never seen less than 5, but more than 12 seems excessive, though the more songs you add the higher chance of getting an upvote.

Some stick with 5, I like to do 10…but over 10 kind of pushes it (though Heisenberg prefers lengthier shuffles)

I sat down at my computer chair, but missed and ripped a hole in the seat of my pants. Luckily, I'm not in public, but still, I lost a pair of pants.

I was about to complain how long this shuffle was, but then I saw how much good stuff was there (One Armed Scissor, Under Pressure, etc) and upvoted it instead.

Good call on "Toys in the Attic."

Shuffle Thread

Judas Kiss from a Rose

I should have known better than to try to strike a deal with Heisenberg…
(I just really wanted to share the Scissorfight track I discovered this week that perfectly synced with the snowy weather I got at the same time)

Dammit Heisenberg I thought we had a deal!

Shuffle Thread

∞ Fast ∞ Furious

Back in "Every Which Way But Zeus" I spotted a map of the US, with all the states divided into different shapes.
Considering the Venture compound was surrounded by mountains, desert, and farmfields, I want to say the West?

If I were a gambling man I'd wager that Hatred starts arching Rusty by the end of the season.

I nearly shat myself laughing at Doc going through all that rigmarole for a speed suit. And he STILL gets pissed if you call it a jumpsuit.

I want to know more about that purple baseball player(?) villain so badly now.

Your avatar is happy to have regained the spotlight, I'm sure.

HELPeR is the real MVP here.

A little too late :(