Bull Pucky (Retired)

I think it's largely in the GAPING REALISTIC EYEBALLS on a plush toy.

RE: the header image - the study has yet to find any correlation between musicianship and insufferable smugness

So you admit you were the one?

Really not in the mood for that. You need to work on your bedside manner

Can they be exchanged for goods and services?

Inspect element allows you to see them, but I can notice them with my impeccable PuckySense.

Like I said, I like all of what's going on, but like you said because there's so much of it none of the plots get much momentum.

My half-time report can be summarized as: I love love love the direction they're going, but they're taking way too long to actually GET there.

I don't get this "coin" thing, what are they and what do they do?

Someone always downvotes this thread and whoever it is can pound sand up their ass until it comes out their eyeballs.

Ironically it was Aimee Mann.
Great tune tho

Weird Al is coming to play in my area on my birthday this year. MY 21ST BIRTHDAY. I CAN'T MISS THIS

That's why they call me Bull Sucky.
No wait they don't call me that at all.

The ONE time I have an opportunity to seize control, I got nothing.

That's it. I'm through with this planet. See you on the other side, folks.

You won't be alone; you'll have your good friend Jack D at your side!

Go Team Venture!
I'm super-enjoying the new season of VB even though it's already 1/4 of the way done. Also really enjoying re-watching the whole series for the fourth time to write my classic reviews.

I can't sew, and even if I could, the pants were getting too tight, hence why they tore so easily, and I can't foresee wearing them again.

Now I can't say I've never seen someone listen to Tool and Perry Como on the same day.

I heard the cover before the original, and the original has a cooler guitar part, but other than that I prefer REM's version.