Bull Pucky (Retired)

No, the point is to explain the premise *badly*.

I'm imagining that your avatar depicts the grisly results of that collision. 10/10 would upvote comment again

I would, uh, also like to express my support for that particular variety of opinions and experiences regarding television viewing.

Yeesh, that Tim Conway entry…I grew up with Spongebob, and I want whatever IMDb writer who made that to get off my lawn.

56. Jan Michael Quadrant 16
57. Personal Space
58. Man Vs. Car

I swear, you could have thrown in three or four fake show titles, and I would have believed that it was some prestige drama on a premium cable network nobody gets. It boggles the mind.

I have no quarrel with anything on this list, nor their placements. In fact, these selections only make it more likely that Rick and Morty will show up in the top 5! (And possibly Review!)
Apparently I should have been watching more TV. I didn't even know 40 shows existed.

Australian fauna, eh?
*begins plotting elaborate, clever comment about chazzwazzers for use in a week*

Well make more of you!
If you need another Weekend Newswire writer, hire me! Or, you know, get one of your myriad coworkers to pitch in once in a while.

Not to be that guy, because surprise albums by big names are a big deal and this is cool and all, but can't we get a weekend Newswire about the massive success of the MST3K Kickstarter and its accompanying fever dream of a streamed telethon?

F him, and that Shkreli dude, and my debilitating procrastination and resulting sleep deprivation.

White Denim covered that?!? How did I not know that?


Deftones – “Change (In the House of Flies)”

Your Saturday night plans are great, @HipsterDBag, but don't you want to comment on Martin Shkreli?

The AV Club


Also, I'd like to give a special combination Least Essential to the Artistic World but Most Amusing to Me award to Mumford and Sons' "The Wolf." This aggressively vanilla, MOR, generic guitar pop tune was on every damn station in my area this summer. I laughed exceedingly hard when I tuned into the metal station, and

"Depreston" has the best lyrics, but it's not as catchy as "Dead Fox," "Pedestrian at Best," "Debbie Downer," or "Nobody Really Cares if You Don't Go to the Party." Hell, I love all her stuff. Even the dolorous, noisy ballads like "Small Poppies."

Almost forgot that Glean came out this year. It's so timeless that if feels like I've always known the songs. When year-end lists roll around, long-lasting cult acts like TMBG usually get left off, so it wasn't my first thought. That record is tied for my favorite album of the year, so super-enthusiastic upvote for