Bull Pucky (Retired)

I love how in that header image, the child and mother are gasping with fear, but the fatherly figure looks intrigued, possibly aroused.

It still boggles the mind how violence is considered more acceptable than sexual content in American media. Wouldn't you rather be hearing about outbreaks of nudity and consensual lovemaking than plagues of mass shootings?

The key distinction here may lie in the fact that, while everybody will die, not every human being has the privilege of sex.

Idiot control now

Quit complaining! Nobody can hear me brag about how I watch the Super Bowl for the ads!

If Al hasn't done a Coldplay style parody yet, he needs to get on that shit while Coldplay have their last glimmer of cultural relevance.

The wild shirtless lyrics of Mark Farner? The bong-rattling bass of Mel Schachter? The competent drumming of Don Brewer?

Upvoted for "ammosexuals."

Btw, your quote yesterday about how the only way guns will make us safer is if we have so many guns you can't shoot anybody because there'll be massive piles of guns in the way made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. I'm posting it to Facebook posthaste (though I'm sure attributing it to "Dikachu" will

*Chris Pratt cries single tear, wipes it off with $100 million bill*

ShUt uP yr a moran!!!1!!! :D

Totally agreed, Waffle. On a different note, I have noticed in many of your recent comments a case of a serial downvoter. I know you've dealt with much worse on the Internet, and your bold statements might provoke many jerks to disagree with you, but I'm just chronically concerned about that.

I'm sure you're glad to hear that I've really gotten into Iron Maiden lately. Partially due to Rock Band, but also because they were/are amazing.

Snow Thread
What's the snow situation where you are?
About two sloppy inches here in Minnesota. Dreaming of a brown Christmas.

Shuffle Thread

Interesting to see that Cudi has, according to his Twitter moniker, anointed himself some sort of messianic figure who will save humanity from the terrors of more interesting music.

While I really shouldn't judge somebody's parenting ability based upon their decisions in baby-naming, I can't help but think that an unfortunately high percentage of these children will end up like the baby in Trainspotting. Then again, being an Instagram filter expert is about as bad as being a heroin addict.


That was so bad it gave me the bends. I'll need an amnesiac to forget how bad it was.

Yorke doesn't trust Google smartphones. He's Android Paranoid.