Bull Pucky (Retired)

Hitler was a creep. A weirdo. What the hell is he doing here (being equated with Youtube?)

Head…blown-out…jacking too much…
I'll be in my bunk.

Honestly, I can handle being a shill and selling out. It won't turn me off of that cultural entity (unless they're advertising an openly awful company, like Chick-Fil-A, as opposed to a merely crappy one) but I will make fun of them forever after.

Yes, I am glad that our beloved pop culture website will never stoop to that level! Let us all enjoy the AV Club from products powered by Duracell.

It made me uncomfortable until I remembered when The Simpsons used to shill for Butterfinger. You can still make great art even if you decide to nab a few bucks from licensing your characters.

Makes sense. Being an unsightly, retch-inducingly ugly abomination of a creature is part and parcel of being a Rick and Morty side character. Carl's Jr. Burgers fit right in.

*bathes in warm glow of nostalgia*

7. Where Not to Start: Atlas Shrugged

I will confess to being a former train nut, from about the ages of 3 through 14 (at which point I moved on to my obsession with music). I must have separated my parents from close to $1000 in those wooden Thomas trains. I had all the cast, even the obscure one-off characters. Someday I hope to give them to my children

It astonishes me how many hacks continue to put out daily material even from beyond the grave simply due to the demand of aging Boomers (or should I say, Pluggers). It's also opened my eyes to the atrocities of Marvin, Momma, Six Chix, and Heathcliff, who makes Garfield look like Calvin and Hobbes by comparison.

Movies: The Good Dinosaur: Though its flaws were clear (predictable plot, cliched message, lack of good jokes), the film got by on gorgeousness and sweet charm. Everything about this movie really clicked into place for me while watching it. Almost as good as Inside Out, but not quite. A-

Great Job, Internet!
*cries, vomits*

Not quite the same, but that reminds me of my love for Bends-era Radiohead b-sides, like "Banana Co.", "Maquiladora," and "Lewis (Mistreated)." Such a good album that even the outtakes could comprise a solid album. I also plan to listen to Kid A for the first time this weekend. Waiting for an adequately spooky evening.

Not sure if I can cope with the disturbing dissonance of seeing an image of Dipper and Mabel accompanied by the phrase "erotic film."

All the regulars (and one beloved gimmick) provide me with laughs and heart every day of the week, but I'd like to throw a shout-out to @Od@oddfuturewolfgangpauli:disqus for being the funniest mofo in the game, and also for having tasteful and reasonable discussions of opinion, a rarity on the internet. But also to

It continues to amaze me how many AV Clubbers never pick up on this joke.

MST3K Turkey Day Marathon! (I'll try to catch some of it)
If you like the show then this is the time to donate to the Kickstarter! www.bringbackmst3k.com

Shuffle Thread

His recent reactions to the Paris attacks were tasteless and somewhat reactionary. Honestly you could do much worse, but this was the first time the star of a show I enjoyed was accused of doing anything controversial.