Bull Pucky (Retired)

Several stray observations of my own:
*Jason Alexander with stubble and ruddy complexion = terrifying
*The punchline to the whole Yao thing felt a little cheap: "Ew, our parents were swingers! Icky!" Though I do understand the emotional impact of learning secrets like that.
*"Is that a thing? Please let that be a thing."

FOX's Tuesday night comedy block: back-to-back bronzed, charming, middle-aged sleazeball hunks that we can't get enough of!

That turkey fryer/canoe bit felt like a bizarro-world version of the "Best Friend" scene from Review, with lower stakes and a less neurotic version of Andy Daly. Though true to form, human beings did nearly catch on fire.
Thanksgiving dinner: four and a half stars.

This revised album cover represents the first time a non-white person has been associated with Sufjan Stevens.

Home of Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis Creation Museum!

You know who else has an incredibly huge, gross face?
My mom!

This film is playing 24/7 for free right now in Petersburg, Kentucky.
But seriously, this reception is about what I expected. A lesser Pixar film, perhaps a bit rote in story, but visually sumptuous. It'll at least be something to keep away from being with the family all weekend.

Happy birthday, frustrating Tetris piece!

*Spike Lee forwards @l@liberalmediabias:disqus Dwight Twilley's home address*


I only knew of it from a Far Side where a couple of heavily-shadowed, realistic humans walk into an apartment full of funny animals and one says "Sorry, you must be looking for Apartment 3-G, Mary Worth, or one of those 'serious' cartoons."

But…you get DVDs and a T-shirt!

I've pledged $250, which is more than entire paycheck for my sorry self. My only concern at this point is that every existing MST3K fan has already pledged but has given all they can afford.

TV's Frank Stallone?

Key takeaway: Apparently Dr. Clayton Forrester was able to reproduce. If he can do it, there's hope for me after all!

I already listened to it this morning, and out of all the Foo Fighters releases, this is certainly one of them. (It's characteristically pleasant but unmemorable)

It's a real pickle, being a big supporter of both his new TV comedy vehicles and reading about the asinine things he posted in the wake of Paris.

Archer is usually the closest reference point, but I think it's far too absurd and deviates from its ostensible future-eighties cop show premise often enough to be something more [as]-ish. Plus it has Rob Lowe, Kate Mara, Elizabeth Banks, and Will Forte (all good things)

I don't know why I even bother to post here when I don't do anything but eat junk food and watch TV, not even getting my homework done. I will put in a good word for Moonbeam City, which I watched on Friday, an uneven but mostly hilarious new show that I hope gets more exposure.
EDIT: also achieved the momentous 11:1

What I gleaned from that poster: Chris Cornell has a new solo album on the way.