Bull Pucky (Retired)

Who's your favorite commenter? *wiggles eyebrows hopefully*

How's that lube holding up?

What's your favorite AV Undercover guest of all time? If it's GWAR, who's your second favorite?

Reception to Great Job Internet! is mixed at best; sometimes it's inane and sometimes it's awesome. What I want to know: does it primarily serve as a place for new contributors to prove their mettle before being allowed to move to a different column?

To address the elephant in the room: What the shit is up with the Star Wars Week layout?

HIStory indicates this to be true.

That's a Dangerous idea.

I never judged them for their tastes; I just thought it wasn't that great of a show. Hell, I will confess to laughing my ass off at "Epic Fails" compilations from time to time. Tosh's style rubbed me the wrong way, is all.

Eh, two out of three ain't bad.

Surprisingly, a lot of otherwise intelligent and tasteful people, including teachers and parents, were raving to me about this show when it debuted. I always figured if I wanted to see dumb YouTube videos, I'd watch dumb YouTube videos. I think I stopped hearing anything about it around the time of the infamous rape

Wouldn't it be funny if Tosh.0 got, like, eight seasons right now?

One of the two characters in the header image is subject to thousands of fan-generated erotic short stories on the Internet, and the other is friends with Tony Stark.

I access these discussions through Disqus directly. In a striking reversal of role, it's actually less rage-inducing.

The ₣or₵€ A₩a₭€₦$

If only it were that self-aware. Like 95% of internet slash fiction, it was basically the same formula, just with names interchanged, and some bizarre explanation of train anatomy that I'd frankly avoid detailing

Though it's completely unrelated to the article or the movie, but the movie title reminded me of it, I had to get this off my chest:
Last night, during an ostensible "study group," discussion turned toward the infinite depths of the internet, so somebody naturally brought up Rule 34, and that reminded me of an xkcd

I've had a sucky day, and this comment made it all better. It made me happy that you are part of our community; we are all made better because of you and your excellent humor. I mean that.
(earnest compliment over)

Unfortunately, "★" also refers to the reviews the album will receive.
*retreats hurriedly, knowing in the back of his mind that new Bowie is exciting, but he couldn't resist the joke*

TV's Frank > No TV's Frank

"If you don't drink Starbucks and participate in their godless pagan ritual, you'll live forever!"
-Fundamentalist dickrag on your Facebook feed