Bull Pucky (Retired)

This is pointless. Isn't Florida already a zombie-filled apocalyptic wasteland?

Super trivial but relatable: my upvotes/comments ratio has been slowly declining. I should take a break to get my funny bone realigned.

Having joined the site after the latest redesign and Disqus update, I have no idea what any of those complaints mean. I'm perfectly fine with this system. I suppose if I had joined 6 months earlier I would know what you mean. It's all a matter of perspective.

Teti responded to the overwhelmingly negative feedback, I heard. Proves that our bitching finally paid off!

This week we’re barely putting up with: The Star Wars Week Page Design


The man never used Papyrus in his life!
Edit: I tried to write this post in Wingdings, but it immediately converted to regular text when I hit "Post."

I can't even read that ad. It triggers a response in my brain that says "This must be a Christian pamphlet - REJECT"

Now, Bastard Executioner will be overrunning by 17 minutes in the big prestige cable network in the sky.

Beans and cornbread

Hey, Rupert Murdoch!

I have yet to, but would like to, undergo that traumatically transformative experience that is falling asleep watching Adult Swim and waking up during Off the Air. It's cheaper than drugs.

(I've only ever actually seen two of them; I was giving an uneducated conservative estimate as to what also might be considered their best)

I always tell people I'm an [as] fan, but it's easy to forget that beyond three or four brilliant cartoons, and reruns of a couple others, it's usually pretty vapid.

Tim and Eric productions are usually only a comedy insofar as you have to laugh to keep from going insane.

If it's on [as], and it's not a nightmare-inducing array of Lovecraftian horrors twisted into eye-searing sounds and brain-melting colors, this genre is implied.

Can I have your stuff?
Strike that, all you own is a huge stack of dictionaries.

Well folks, time to put the English language to rest. We had a good run.
[fades to black as credits roll, "100 Years" plays in background]

Looks like someone's got a case of the CancerAIDS!

Upon seeing the numbers roll over to $2M, your avatar was the first thing that came to mind.