Bull Pucky (Retired)

When I was younger,
My mama told me
She said "Gener,
I want to smell it"
And then she smelled it
And it was smelly
And she said Lordy Lordy Lord I'm comin' home
Praise the Boognish

I clicked on the Prequels thinkpiece, hoping to see the shitshow of the comments section, scrolled down, and apparently scrolled through every single Star Wars article the AV club has done in the past year at light speed. Never did see the comments.
I'm cold and frightened…

That's your answer to everything!

*Archmage of the Aether angrily tweets address of Wizarding World of Harry Potter*

Jerry doing MST3K instead of Seinfeld…let me pick up the pieces of my blown mind off the floor.

How will she make a good Mad? She won't require them to watch cheesy movies, she'll just say the details of the experiment are in her book.

I thought the point of MST3K host casting was that it relied upon low-to-nonexistent levels of name-recognition? The charm of the casting was that you didn't associate the actors with anything else but that role.

Were you the guy who donated $15K for the Crow and Servo puppets? I keep imagining that was Augustus St. Cloud.

I was too depressed by Paris to do anything of note. I ate a bunch of junk food and watched a ton of comedy. Namely, Review, W/ Bob and David, and some Aziz Ansari standup, plus my weekly Sunday Simpsons binge. Also picked classes for next semester: Multivariable calculus, thermodynamics, inorganic chemistry, and

Oh, John, always going with the controversial opinions.

Out of all the also-ran one-and-a-half-hit wonders from the late 90s-early 00s, Alien Ant Farm were certainly one of them.

Best foreshadowing: how the Einstein Poster showed up in the police station at the start of the Cops sketch.

I thought this show would have a meaner streak when they included the "I'd like to thank US!" callback, but that inclusion of Bob made me happy too.

A secret room!

The AV Club
high-octane no nonsense news



*punches hole through hat, throws out DIKACHU/PUCKY 2016 campaign signs*

That's it, I've had enough reading about political horse hockey for one day. I'm going to listen to some Rush.
*cues up "The Trees"*
*gets angry at libertarians*

Hey that's great @Dikachu:disqus but what do you think about this news?