Bull Pucky (Retired)

Yeah, I know it's stupid. Stop hounding me about it.

Great White singer Jack Russell feels terrible about it
Don't you mean, he feels terrierible about it?
…I'll see myself out.

*cues up "Ace of Spades", headbangs morosely*


Woozle wuzzle? Is this what passes for comments nowadays?

Stay out of my territory.

Not really something that happened to ME, but the delightful Mary Lucia returned to the airwaves on The Current after taking 6 months off for personal reasons. She sounds shaky but full of gratitude, and as my favorite DJ on the station, I'm glad to see she has recovered well.

Double-Wide Shuffle Thread

That sounds like a bad omen.
"Before the cock crows, you will reference Outsourced three times."

From a white guy in a hip-hop clothing company, to Aziz calling out CBS for lack of diversity, to a call center? Is Newswire playing a word association game? I'm thinking the next post will be a Great Job Internet about "Hotline Bling."

krame still cant say n word

"Col-bear? That's French! Isn't that foreign enough?"

Brown people
-Network executives

Speaking of Arrested Development, Stewart's constant attempts to connect with his son in the lamest, most obviously needy way possible (in this case, buying him the embroidered black sweater for crew) feels a lot like Michael Bluth's parenting approach. At least a little bit.
I started watching this show for the lead

No one's gay for Pucky…

Here's some money. Go see a Peanut.

I guess they were trying to diversify, because it wasn't very progressive to have an Old man in the role.

There were two options on Saturday night for me to watch a trainwreck maelstrom of destruction. I chose the one starring Andy Daly.

Happy Monday Comrades!
How was the weekly two-day respite from work and toil?
I got to see Spectre with my increasingly deadbeat little brother (it was pretty good), then spent the weekend marathoning Review and started watching The Grinder. Also got to eat some delicious Neapolitan-style pizza yesterday. I really want

I'll never think of "going to a Leafs game" in the same way again.
Also cracked up when Thompson's character showed up on the fashion show at the end of the episode.