Bull Moose


Man makes 80% of combined income during marriage. Woman makes 20% of combined income. Man and woman divorce. Woman gets 50% of assets. LOLWUT?

"Men and women split assets in a divorce and walk away with half", declares delusional person.

Which one is he? The top one or the bottom?

Harp? You? No, that would make you harpy...

*jizzed in my pants*

You mean "cis"?

I'm so turned on right now.



Well, her dissent was "legally illiterate". It had nothing to do with Constitution law and more to do with here personal opinions on the matter. Unfortunately for some, SCOTUS is not an advanced debate class where you are trying to change the justices personal opinions on a topic. You are trying to show them why the

It's a picture, nitwit. I didn't create it.

I played with my brother for hours, and lost every time. I still had a blast those. That game HAS to rank pretty high on someone's all time list, right?

Phil Jackson should be the poster child for a post-racial America because I have no fucking idea what race he is.