French-Canadians are considered a different race than other Canadians?
French-Canadians are considered a different race than other Canadians?
Yeah, because pro wrestling fans are a bunch of knuckle-dragging redneck morons, amirite.
I spent HOURS playing Goldeneye. So good.
Agreed. That's why the author's claim that male and female objectification arent' equitable because male objectification is based on "strength and power". What horseshit. No, it's based on the same cute, feminized but not completely feminized, babyfaced, pretty boys it has been for 20 years.
You must be a blast at dinner parties.
You don't read Deadspin comments very often, do you? EVERY article on here is joked about and snarked on.
Well, thanks for being a dick after coming to your defense.
You realize that his comment had nothing to with rape, right? He was making fun of the Rangers. Either you lack reading comprehension skills or a sense of humor, but regardless, I am laughing at you.
"the ultimate act of exploitation and depravity"
Well, that's my point. The stereotype of the tough, rugged, burly, "macho" man is that he is a sexist, a male chauvinist and a mysoginist. I think that stereotype is flawed. For some reason, the idea of the "alpha male" has been denigrated and mocked on this website and other "feminist" sites. I don't think that's a…
No. Shredded physiques on 200 lbs. men is not strength or power. Those guys aren't strong, they're fit. If you want strong, look at the 6' 6'', 350 lbs. defensive tackle. He ain't "pretty", but he's strong as fuck. This idea that men and women idealize and fetishize strength based on some pretty boys with cut abs is…
Why do you can't a man be strong, burly, and manly and also respect women and themselves, have realistic standards and believe in equality. When did masculinity automatically become a bad thing?
Do you even lift, bruh?
Yes. In terms of power - brute strength - bigger is better. These skinny dudes with the shredded physiques may be FIT but they are not POWERFUL. That is why the author's statement is stupid and filled with agenda.
I think playing football professionally causes a great deal of injury and pain which one must deal with for the rest of their life. The same can be said for many basketball players and professional wrestlers. Physical pain is a by-product of their career-choice. But that is the underlying factor. It is a choice.…
"But the objectification of men is a false equivalency to the objectification of women, because what's being fetishized is strength. Virility, capability, vigor, fortitude. Power."
How did I? The facts are that there are still NO (zero) peer-reviewed studies that conclusively link concussions in football to CTE. Furthermore, there are NO (zero) peer-reviewed studies that link CTE and suicide. Zero.
I live in a world of empirical data and truth, not possible correlations and "truthiness". Yes, football players have a high incidence of concussions. Should steps be taken to make the game safer? You bet. But it seems to me that the media is creating a crisis and manufacturing a narrative for ratings and page clicks.…