Bull Moose

Jesus Christ, looks like Russia has a lot more to worry about than homosexuals wanting some basic rights.

fuck you deadspin. all youve done this entire time is slay incognito as this big bad bully racist. reading these texts makes him sound like an asshole yes, but certainly not a racist or a bully. and now that the story doesn't fit your narrative, you have no comment on it. fuck you. fuck you for injecting every

Deadspin feelin' stupid about playin' Martin as the victim yet? Richie might be a dick, but it looks like he's a dick in the way your older brother is a dick. Martin needs to harden the fuck up. It's obvious football's not for him. He should go work a desk job somewhere where people won't hurt his feelings so much.

God Bless America.

How the fuck did Jezebel get credentials for media day? AMIRITE?

Wait. My ex-wife also has two rings, and she's the biggest bitch of them all!

At the rate he gets around, what female backstage at any wrestling event hasn't? The guy's the original CitiBike (or Divvy, since he's from Chicago).

Should we also ban public funding for after-school arts and music programs? Its a money loss down to the elementary level.


Musberger and Herbstreit don't need a defense. This old fuck is an idiot.

"in those days it wasn't uncommon to turn on ESPN—at any time of day—and find sub-tertiary programming of all sorts, from Australian Rules Football to strongman competitions."

Agreed. God forbid Musburger use a synonym once and a while to prove he was never an athlete at the University of North Carolina and reads at a level higher than the 5th grade.

Great. Now let's Americanize the European Soccer badges.

Wow. You really showed that secretary. Kudos.

....you're kind of a tool....

Douche Bags: Taking their aggression out on subordinates since The Dawn of Man.

But you still paid for her abortion, right?

You sure taught your ex-secretary a valuable lesson!