Bull Moose

No. False. That's not the real issue. Guns are merely the vehicle for mentally ill people to express their insanity. Just like guns are merely the vehicle for poor, urban residents to express their anger, poverty and hopleessness. You need to focus on those core issues rather than just trying to plug the hole in the

By "one of those faces" you mean "white", right?

Look, I think essentially we agree. I could handle degrees of gun permitting. Also, I agree that the criminally insane are not always the ones committing gun violence. However, far and away, the vast majority of perpetrators of heavily publicized mass shootings such as Sandy Hook, Naval Shipyard, Aurora, Virginia Tech


Background checks are fine. I agree. But those will only focus on people who choose to legally own a weapon. They will not reveal if someone is criminally insane. If you want to stop mass shootings, you need to deal with the real issue: the fucked mental health system in this country. The laws we have now regulating

Yes, I want those things too. But why call for more restrictive legislation of guns when gun crime is falling dramatically? How does that make any sense? Gun control advocates use these mass shootings as vehicles for their opinion that guns need to be curtailed rather than pointing out that the vast majority of these

Sorry. What question? Point it out to me. I must have been distracted by your cute, snarky, uninformative statement.

Bingo. Also, Hiddleston is not that hot. If he worked behind the deli counter at Walmart, no one on here would give him a second look.

Crazy people shouldn't have guns. Brilliant assessment. I agree.

I want to say that I too have enjoyed having a reasoned, intelligent discussion with someone. Doesn't happen often on Gawker.

Holy shit. You must be the one that's kidding. All I read on here (other than rape diatribes and gifs of cats) are snarky eye-rolling at thing, rich, white, privileged women.

Typically, these gun control arguments devolve into extremes. One side shouting about "taking our guns" and the other side about "killing Bambi with a machine gun". I completely agree with you. Required gun safety courses, reasonable background checks to prevent felons or mentally ill people from getting guns, and

Um, seems pretty clear to me that the joke isn't about rape per se, but about Jezebel's all-consuming obsession about rape and rape culture.

Ah, "beauty privilege". The FUCKING WORST.

There are a myriad of reasons why that is so. Poverty, income inequality, drugs, frontier culture, etc. But the fact that gun violence rates are dropping PRECIPITOUSLY doesn't seem to matter to you folks. You only latch on to these attention grabbing mass shootings which are disproportionately perpetrated by mentally

The number of guns in our country is not proportional to the amount of gun crime in our country. That is all. Full stop. Despite the growing number of LEGALLY owned firearms, gun crime has dropped 50% since 1990.

Why does Jezebel hate her again? Because she is thin, white and wealthy? Someone remind me please.

Ban knives now! That's the only answer to our out-of-control knife culture.

Right, just like everyone believed Chris Berman when he refuted the "leathers" story.

I have always wondered what kind of numbers Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth would have put up if they were on PEDs. Bonds spent half of his career with a syringe in his ass and still barely beat those guys.