Are you the same asshole who makes fun of Jewish people wearing yarmulkes or Hindus wearing bindis on their foreheads? Or are you just an anti-Catholic bigot?
Are you the same asshole who makes fun of Jewish people wearing yarmulkes or Hindus wearing bindis on their foreheads? Or are you just an anti-Catholic bigot?
Aaron Hernandez is also questioning whether his end is tight.
Is there still any debate as to who the greatest basketball player of all time is? I mean, it's settled now, right?
Charlotte has (had?) the 6th best scoring defense in the NBA.
Glad she was found.
Liberation n. : the act or process of freeing someone or something from another's control
"Liberation" implies freedom from slavery.
There's no such thing as "women's lib", honey. Women have never been "enslaved" like African Americans have. Don't confuse gender roles with human slavery. It makes you look dumb AND racist.
I understand. You oppose me. I also oppose you opposing me. Don't be upset when you lose. You are trying to defeat an opponent with 150 point lead.
Yes, I was being ironical.
Clearly, feminists see it as a competition. You see men/patriarchy as the opponent, and want to take as much away from us as you can. You want to deny me the power and privilege I was born with. I'm not just going to let you.
More prude-shaming from Jezebel.
Can you talk about the hardest part about being paid millions of dollars and getting endless amounts of poon for playing a child's game?
Hey, there's a reason so many women fell all over themselves buying the 50 Shades series. If Christian Grey had been an insurance adjuster rather than a billionaire, I don't think it would have sold nearly as well. Do you?
Ah, the "gains" you made. Meanwhile, women are the most unhappy as they have ever been. Wonder why?
Please explain to me what rights women are being denied in America today? Suffrage? Nope. Took care of that in 1920. Reproductive rights? Nope. Took care of that in 1973. Anything else? What else do you want? See. That's the problem. You gals don't want equal rights. You want more/better rights than men.
I'm hardly a virgin. There are plenty of women who worship at the altar of money. Call me what you want, but you know it's true.
Call me what you will. If I am dealt a royal flush, I'm not going to feel guilty and give my cards to the people I'm playing against. Sorry. I'm on my way to cash in my chips. Try as you hard as you want, but you won't be "dismantling the patriarchy" or whatever. The game is set up so that when you think your winning,…
As a man, I recognize that the system is set up to benefit me. Why would I advocate restructuring it any other way? Moreover, why would participate in bringing down a system that works for me? No, I will fight to maintain a system that benefits me. How hard is that to understand?
Hey there, Mr. Collie. I never knew you were a Deadspin commenter!