Bull Moose

I didn't read this because I didn't have to. I just read your headline and got all the info I needed.

CNN hasn't been a credible news source in 15 years.

I think you're probably a Juggalo.

Like graduate.

Funny thing is, Michael Jordan was Lebroning before Lebroning was cool.

I think we should all decry abortion. It's not exactly a good thing. That doesn't mean we should criminalize it or castigate women who get them, but we also shouldn't be cheerleading abortion or encouraging women to get them.

The difference between Larry Bird and JR Smith is that Larry Bird didn't fucking suck donkey cock.

I have always wondered why we spend an inordinate amount of time teaching Holocaust, but hardly mention the Irish Potato Famine, despite the fact that Irish and English decedents far outnumber Jews in this country. I think both should be taught, but it seems a disproportionate amount of time is dedicated to the

Because those aren't competitive, and competition is bad because only men are competitive and/or athletic and men are bad. Ergo, ban competitive sports. So fucking dumb.

Well, school boards are ultimately political institutions and are therefore rife with politics. Politics shapes public school curriculum far more than people realize. That is why you get tons and tons of Holocaust curriculum in Palm Beach County, Florida, but not in Boston, MA.

We all know how Frank's story ends, but that's not in her diary. It is a "safe" way to talk about the Holocaust because it leaves her ultimate end to the imagination. You and I agree. There are better ways to teach the Holocaust. There are better ways to teach the Irish Potato Famine, but we both know that's not going

By "WE", he means black people. Right?

I don't and that's my point. You are the one claiming we need to continue to keep this story alive because Holocaust remembrance. Yes, I teach secondary school and Anne Frank is required reading, and when it is assigned, the students groan because it is probably the second or third time in their academic careers they

The pro-gun violence message in Thelma and Louise undermined any feminist message for me. You cannot be feminist and pro-gun.

Really? This story is so beaten into the ground that it has become a punchline. I am all for Holocaust education, but you can't re-use the same vehicles to the point that people groan when you mention them.

The NSA comes for her for not signing up for Obamacare.

Clearly, not every gun owner is a school shooter waiting to happen.

Ironically, Bo Pelini used both "goddamn" and "sonofabitch" 322 times each in his post game press conferences.


This is the dumbest post I have read here in a long time. When something doesn't appear to be OK, your solution is to just ban it? Let's not reform anything or try to fix it. Let's just fucking BAN it. So dumb.