Huh... must be an English thing - my brother-in-law has been known to do this a few times.
Post-pone until next year. Problem solved.
I think I have said this on every single Rio story: Countries/athletes need to boycott the games or they need to be outright cancelled or postponed: so much of the games is not ready or is outright unsafe, with the potential to kill someone.
“(Both the orcs and humans speak real-life English, but the movie attempts to persuade us, by means of a clumsy transition halfway through the film, that the orcs are actually speaking their own language.”
I think they had the name months ago, but sat on it for PR purposes. How many articles were written about this? More than if they had announced it and moved on.
I've never been on a flight with changing tables - I just sat on the crapper and balanced her on my knees.
Nope - just because you don’t like kids doesn’t mean everyone else should be punished. Either rent a private jet, fly first class and buy all the seats around you, or suck it up.
After reading all this, it just reiterates how damn lucky I am with my daughter: I flew solo with her when she was not quite 2 years old, and had the brilliant idea of saving money by having her fly in my lap (boy was that a stupid decision!).
I don’t think I have seen or heard of any of these shows (other than Peppa, and only because of how old it is).
Honestly, the stupid choppers doesn’t bother me because it still looks like mounts already in the game - goblin trikes, mechano chopper from Wrath.
Really? A car show that can’t use a common term for a level of power on a transmission?
I did some of this in HS when I was lifting with the football team during the off-season and playing soccer - I would drink 2 of those instant breakfast’s every morning along with a bagel or 2. Workout before classes, grab school breakfast if it looked edible, fruit if not, then class.
About 2 hours, then it was back…
Hell, I could handle the shit for brains commentary, what bothered me was the “I got this truck that can go almost anywhere, let me goof around instead of helping people.”
Yes, he offered to help 1 guy, but other than that, it was all just roaming around for giggles.
I used to work at a news station, and as the reporter wades out, all I can think about is the mic and IFB pack getting ruined, and the poor camera guy getting reamed out for letting the reporter get them wet.
I bet more people get HBO than you think, as well as its more than just American’s watching his content.
To bad FBI/NSA won’t consider anyone under the age of 18, and by then the “kid” has experimented with pot and has invalidated themselves due to the idiotic security clearance rules that those agencies hold themselves to.
I rolled my eyes when I first read it, and then the more I thought about it, the more I understand why they did what they did.
I didn’t mind the segment, especially when they showed footage from the “practice laps” where they almost took out a camera man or nearly flipped the car (or had to teach the star how to drive for the first time ever). Biggest issue I had was half the “stars” I had no idea who the hell the person was. But then again,…
Pretty much how I handled it was I cracked a few jokes with my wife, in private, and then commented about those poor kids and his widow, in private, and then just refused to comment publicly about it.