
“Disney is set to kick off its Disney Plus streaming service November 12...” 
in America only. Everyone else will be just have to torrent the new goodness.

Because apparently its impossible to figure out how to release content worldwide when you have been planning this product roll-out for years in advance of the

I feel it got way to much flack due to people expecting some orgasmic experience in the theaters. It was a damn good movie.

“When the wights breached the supposedly safe area, I was pretty sure Sansa and Tyrion were going to suicide pact their way out.” 

Cersei was “smart” only because she banked on Jon Snow’s (Aegon) devotion to what he believed to be right and his charisma.
And had Arya stepped on a twig wrong or a wight looked left instead of right, it would have all been for nothing, the Night King would all still be alive, the Three-Eyed Raven would be dead, and

Unpopular opinion(maybe?): He’s dead. He can’t be tried for being with underage girls, he can’t be punished for it. Does it really need to be in the documentary about him? And if it was.... what would that be like?
A super-cringey section where people try to not speak ill of the dead, but explain this aspect of his

I’m in Canada and my wife and I always get them to take extra off of each check.

And you know what, I’m all for a scared Raven - make the character a young version, just coming into her powers, and she is scared of what is happening, scared of becoming her father (or a pawn of his).

Murder Robin doesn’t really phase me either - I have always assumed Dick went through a phase as he transitioned from

Jesus this article is a steaming pile of crap and nothing more than troll-bait (which I realize I am jumping on).

The problem I had with the show wasn’t really the personalities (although that was an eye rolling issue), but it was that the vast majority of the cars were not sleepers, and that ***SPOILER***

Does anyone else miss the releases that sound like they were written by someone with an education and the author is in full control of their emotions (and probably sober)?

I drive a civic hatchback - the only thing I could shave off due to lack of use is the passenger seat. Everywhere else is occupied by kid stuff and my go-bag for work. Hell, it’s so tight that when I need to take my bottles to recycle or go grocery shopping, we can’t take my car. We have to take my wife’s Escape.

Computers, radios, etc have to be kept on at all time during the shift so that they are logged in the system, as well as 100% ready to go. A drop from that system might indicate that there is an issue with the officer (Like in danger or in an accident).

Police Vehicles are typically a little different than civilian vehicles of the same type, aren’t they?

So for those of us that lives in the flat hell that are the prairies, what is the “correct” way to tackle these hills?

To draw attention. Otherwise, the killing of an innocent man would get swept away by the news cycle and the natural forgetfulness of human beings.

Who are you calling small?

The question I have is one you can’t really answer: how does it handle the cold?

Holy hell some of these stories - I wish I had seen the call out for this because I got 2 great ones!

“ ...his apparent lack of adult coping skills to engage in other more conventional social activities during his suspension.” 
Sorry, but I don’t agree with this statement. Yes, this is a product of his own doing and he deserves a suspension from appearing on a stream, but if I understand the situation correctly, he

You know, I want to defend Chiarelli - it’s almost a defence mechanism at this point: someone shit talks about the Oilers (any part of them) and you almost feel obligated to defend them.