
Just a heads up for those who care about file size - the copies I looked up ranged from 8g to 20g each, and I just don’t have the monthly data or space right now for 60g for some old movies that only I will enjoy. I will just have to make due w/ my rips I made from one of the box sets that were released back in the

I did it a few times in college on long road trips - I never use my left foot for driving, my left leg would start to fall asleep, so I would stretch it out as much as I could.

If your lights are falling over, it means you need to sandbag them or mount them to a wall/ceiling.

Saw the title, thought “Oh, cool.”

For some reason, I was expecting to see the final cost of this to come in at around $600-$700, not within $10 of a grand.

Damnit, why is there so much dust in the air? And my allergies are acting up... No, I’m *not* crying, I just have an eye lash in my eye...

That up front price will be what keeps me from playing, and I’m an unabashed Blizzard Fan Boy: the only game I don’t play is SC2, and that’s only because I know I don’t enjoy RTS games.

I’m just curious Jennifer, but why didn’t you write under a pseudonym?
And to be clear, I’m not blaming or pointing out that you should have, just curious as to why you didn’t?

Ok, I normally don’t read the comics (just read a bland synopsis online somewhere), but I’m starting to really get into what’s going on - what do I read and where do I start to read it?

I’m sorry, but how come he can’t get an actual camper to live in?
I’m sure there would be a septic service that could come drain his tank once a week and someone else drop off some potable water for him, assuming that Google can’t provide him with a water hose.

Are there no long term campgrounds within a reasonable

All of this is why I balked at the idea of getting a next gen (current gen?) console when my wife offered to get me one for Christmas last year.

Bless her heart, she wanted to get me the most bad-ass Christmas gift ever b/c the last couple years we had had to really skimp on ourselves.

And that will be a sad day: I prefer my games to be physical - I enjoy having that stuff on a shelf.

This is what Blizzard does - big fancy box, art book, the game itself, behind the scenes dvd, soundtrack, some codes for hearthstone, and the understanding you are also getting digital stuff as well.

My understanding from school was any content that is viewed in Canada is subject to the CRTC’s Can-Con rules - could be my instructor mislead me, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if half of the Amazon library was not available due to Can-Con.

I dunno - never had a reason to subscribe to Amazon’s video service, but I know netflix, hulu, and every other online video streaming service is subject to the CRTC’s Can-Con rules because it can be accessed by Canadians (unless my old instructor mislead me).

Have they released any broadcast details? How do we know it will be available worldwide and not subjected to arbitrary broadcast rules?

The homo milk story reminds me about when I worked at a drug store - occasionally we would mark down the milk b/c it was going to expire soon (3-5days).

I swear, the more I read about this stuff, the more I wonder why we have politicians choosing what equipment we have in our defense department - I mean if the people in charge of the Navy and Air Force say “This is a bad idea, we shouldn’t do this” or “We need more of this plane, why are we stopping here?”... It just

Not unfun, just people that have experience with this sort of thing and can see all the inconsistencies being presented.

Yea, I saw those gas struts and wondered how well something like that would actually work... and think back to all the mythbuster remote setups and how large and complicated they were.