
“Unfortunately it still doesn’t fix the fake-looking CG armies...”

Based on a handful of the comments, I guess I’m one of the few people in the world that actually liked LotR and all of the Hobbit?
I mean, yea the whole thing could have been condensed down into pt 1 and 2, and they would have been a bit on the long side... but I don’t think they deserve the amount of hate they are

I would say let them post their recap whenever they want, but tuck any and all spoilers behind the break (the link). That way there isn’t any accidental spoilers b/c you visited the site: you have to actively click a link to find it.

Don’t want to be spoiled on the internet? Don’t go on the internet.

But Cisco used the power supply from that to power Dr. Stein’s walking stick a few episodes back, and Dr. Stein depleted it.

“Correction. Was told by his future self not to save his mom. And they’d better have one serious fucking payoff for that.”

Payoff has already been received: he got to keep his powers, his life with Joe and Iris, his extended family with the SuperStars... He also got a chance to beat the shit out of Thawne for doing all

Cisco bitching about the emblem:
Is he actually bitching about the cost, or the fact that they keep getting destroyed and he has to keep making them? I haven’t had a chance to watch the episode yet, but I image its the latter.

Saw the title, thought “Oh, cool.”

That last shot before the episode ended: I think it was Deannas son, who is on sentry duty. I think he either killed himself or was secretly killed (arrow? Daryl can’t be the only archer in the apocalypse) and what we was was the blood dripping down the wall.

For some reason, I was expecting to see the final cost of this to come in at around $600-$700, not within $10 of a grand.

Exactly - I decided to watch this b/c of the JLA cartoons and thought Supergirl was a badass, but this show feels like its trying to do too much at once. She’s trying to find her place as Kara, as Supergirl, as an Earthling, as a Kryptonian... I’m sure there is more that it’s trying to do, but that’s what leaps out at

Damnit, why is there so much dust in the air? And my allergies are acting up... No, I’m *not* crying, I just have an eye lash in my eye...

That up front price will be what keeps me from playing, and I’m an unabashed Blizzard Fan Boy: the only game I don’t play is SC2, and that’s only because I know I don’t enjoy RTS games.

Rob, I gotta wonder if we watched the same episode - the way you described Snow’s comments to Jax and Stein’s commentary about the new, fused body had me expecting much, much worse than what it actually was.

I’m just curious Jennifer, but why didn’t you write under a pseudonym?
And to be clear, I’m not blaming or pointing out that you should have, just curious as to why you didn’t?

Ok, I normally don’t read the comics (just read a bland synopsis online somewhere), but I’m starting to really get into what’s going on - what do I read and where do I start to read it?

I’m sorry, but how come he can’t get an actual camper to live in?
I’m sure there would be a septic service that could come drain his tank once a week and someone else drop off some potable water for him, assuming that Google can’t provide him with a water hose.

Are there no long term campgrounds within a reasonable

Pretty much - Ga to NW Canada - first 3 weeks of snow are awesome! And then the cynical adult in you wakes up and you realize you are in for at the very least 4 months of this BS and you have to go shovel the driveway and walk for the 5th time today or else it will pack down and be even harder to deal with later on....

All of this is why I balked at the idea of getting a next gen (current gen?) console when my wife offered to get me one for Christmas last year.

Bless her heart, she wanted to get me the most bad-ass Christmas gift ever b/c the last couple years we had had to really skimp on ourselves.

Is that “smoke” coming from the amphibious vehicles exhaust or something like a smokescreen?