
"We commonly use the term "soon" when referring to Blizzard releases, because we know that no matter how hard we're working to reach a target, we're not going to compromise and launch a game before it's ready." (From some random Diablo press release)

All I can see with that grill is all the cardboard I might have to zip tie to it or the hundreds of dollars for some custom grill cover.

You know there is also the option of test driving on the lot to make sure you like something, then ***CUSTOM*** ordering something from the factory or from another dealer on the continent.

"Countries in the region, including Mexico, where some of the aircraft used on supposed smuggling runs have been registered, have demanded that Venezuela explain how it came to the conclusion that certain aircraft are transporting drugs."

Oh jeez... they didn't file a flight plan, they were non-responsive, we told them

So England amd Canada (who are the most well known for wearing the poppies) do not speak English? Perhaps not the bastardized form that America speaks, but its still English.

Depends on what you do in game - I raid pretty casually (2-3 nights a week, rarely hard mode content), do dailies when they are worth it (i.e. isle of thunder when it was current but rarely do Timeless dailies), and don't make money off my professions (BS/ENG).

Does someone have a link to Clarkson's article from the Sunday time? Its behind a paywall currently >.>

WTB this shit in North America. Specifically Canada.... >.> Edmonton would be best.

Can someone explain this to me? Do you actually have to have cards? Or is it a Pokemon version of Hearthstone?

Don't be mad at apple - they just host the game. Its the game dev that did all the wording.

Not to mention hes a teenager... who knew how to add a credit card to an account for ebooks...

This and the freaking decal they insist on putting on the tailgate - either above/below the 4x4 or opposite of it.

I still don't understand why Harper is so hell bent on the F35, especially in light of all the issues the US is having.

For me it all depends - I can usually get an ebook for 3-7$, meaning it's low risk. But if it's from an author I already like, or part of a series, I will end up getting the physical (usually hardback).

Document, Document, Document. Then start talking (not bitching) to anyone above the dealer that will listen. That's how my wife's Fiesta was taken care of.

Honestly, this doesn't surprise me one bit - my wife had a Fiesta and it had a ton of issues. To the point that we convinced/forced the dealership to buy it back.
Then she bought a Escape... and its now had 6 recalls and multiple trips to get an airbag dummy light turned off.

I'm sorry someone stuck a gun to your head and made you click the link and then read it.

Corrections for the article:

Fair enough - my dad is Master Cert. and if he did a little more work would be able to teach...
I just wish it was required to have some kind of schooling/certification when working on a vehicle... and more than the 45 min crash course some of these places offer.

Not always.... Dealer here in Edmonton Canada is full of idiots and HS dropouts it seems. Last time my wife had her oil changed there (Oh, your being silly! They know what they are doing!) they only put 2 quarts in reused the old filter.
When I called about it, the dealership insisted that that was an impossibility