/gasp! It's a shame you are being forced to read these articles against your will - I mean you had to click a link and everything to have this forced upon you!
/gasp! It's a shame you are being forced to read these articles against your will - I mean you had to click a link and everything to have this forced upon you!
I know I'm way behind the times, but I just got my 360 and I was all excited that I would be able to watch netflix on it.... Only to find that you can't without paying more money for something I had no interest in.
Article talking about car company currently operating in a open minded location moving to an uber conservative location, wondering how it's gonna effect said car company's employees: yea, this looks like this article belongs in a car blog!
Oddly enough, I actually want to go see 2 of the "worst 5" and will buy on DVD a third for my kid.
When I have sex with my wife, I usually blow my load within that 2 min or so.... But then I can keep going for as long as I need to in order to please her.
I would argue that Peter was only part everyman - alot of people could relate to him....
I agree - I remember the outrage people had over the natural web shooters, only to discover over the years that he has had both.
Only thing I saw wrong in the little bit of video I saw was that he was flying over what looked like a helipad there on campus.
No, the one person who should have been checked was the idiot recording the video for not turning the phone 90deg and shooting properly.
I had no idea about the "racist" angle of the comment - literally thought they were talking about the fact the bridge kind of leans a little and they are slightly worried that if the lean is to much, a truck might fall through or off.
Hopefully he had some chicken when he pulled that d-bag move...
Anyone got a mirror version that can be played in Canada?
Comeon, it's more than just North America duking it out.... I mean the Russians are there... and... umm.... well....
The legs are just way to long - the scarf and bandages are meh, but those legs...
Which to me screams of piss-poor planning of the entire stadium - what kind of sporting venue doesn't allow you to walk in???
That's kind of the stance I'm taking - I have a seagate 2TB nas and I just shrugged - if it dies, it dies.
No Nintendo isn't fucked yet, but they are fast approaching it.
I like what your saying except for one thing:
Limited desk space is the usual reason for using a trackball.