This is going to be one of the comments of the year.
This is going to be one of the comments of the year.
Why wasn't JAG JUICE in all caps?
After seeing this picture many, many years ago, I thought it wasn't uncommon for Asia.
These are actually the qualities Erin Andrews considers when making her Heisman vote.
Turn to the left. Now to the right. Now smell your neighbor's ass. Who's a good usual suspect? Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
Can this also be explained by the fact the he batted ahead of Barry Bonds during his record breaking season? With Barry Bonds' 171 walks, 73 home runs and .863 slugging percentage, the guy ahead of him was going to get some fat pitches to hit.
The Black and Blue Shadow
Skip Bayless just fell into a coma... with a big smile on his face.
Steal Magnolias
Throw in Bubbles and I will sign right now.
When answering the question, "What are you?", I always answer "Other" which is what I fill out on forms.
It's an M Night Shamalamadingdong joint.
I look forward to the following columns at by Dan Snyder:
I caught Robert Altman's Short Cuts again recently, and while Downey has a small, minor role, I was taken aback by how compelling and terrifying he was, just on sight.
Does this mean Deadspin has jumped the shark and is now a legitimate news agency?
Bill Murray in Kingpin should be held up as one of the great comedic performances in history.
One of the funniest things ever is the Gigli SNL skit that starred Ben Affleck. He wasn't afraid to laugh at the whole thing just like everyone else was.
That made me laugh.