
Which is like every other origin in comic books. Seems more like you don't know much about comic books.

I know what I said when we were in bed together but I changed my mind. I don't want a Brazilian!

You can't get more bang for your buck than 'The Hidden' - fast cars, fast women and two alien parasites using earth as their battleground. An extremely underrated sci-fi classic.

Released just after 9/11 and featuring an airplane crash, the studio buried this movie. However it's gone on to become a sci-fi classic.

The Black and Blue Shadow

I am not a gun

I, Robot

Skip Bayless just fell into a coma... with a big smile on his face.

Chevalier: Merve, Merve, wait! Moon Fetus. A fetus is found on a moon base.

Steal Magnolias

Another great Matt Wagner take on Batman is the "Faces" story from the Batman Legends of the Dark Knight series.

Throw in Bubbles and I will sign right now.

When answering the question, "What are you?", I always answer "Other" which is what I fill out on forms.

It's an M Night Shamalamadingdong joint.

"And One Shall Surely Die!"

Assignment: Earth

By Odin's Hairball!

Perhaps due to his wealth and fame, Iron Cat has a substance abuse problem with catnip.

I look forward to the following columns at NFL.com by Dan Snyder:

Everyone in Alex Ross' universe has a little belly.