
I am still to this day terrified of Sweetums. He ate people!!!!! 

Yikes. Calm down, grumpy. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. 

They’re not making fun of their looks. They’re making fun of the fact that they airbrushed their faces until it looks like they’re made out of plastic. Nice try with the fake outrage, though.

This article is very... unpleasant? I’m not sure why but something about it was deeply unpleasant. 

I liked Ghost. I thought her affliction was fascinating and her costume design awesome. 

I absolutely love Nadia, so I’m very excited to see her in other works. Interestingly, when I posted on Marvel’s Instagram about how much I love her, I had a legion of fanboys call me a fake fan. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Where can we watch this season? I think I missed it in the article. 

It’s... 100% what the poster shows??? ?? ?????

It sounds like you might be asexual, dude. Look into it. If you feel it applies, hopefully you can explain it and your wife can respect that. This isn’t a “go to therapy” thing, and it isn’t a problem. It’s just how some people are.

Ughhhhh did they have to include Leia in the bikini? She hated that thing, it’s just sad to be her immortalized in something she hated. (And sexist. Show me Captain Mal in a bikini you cowards.)

Not quite sure I agree that she’s a queer icon. She is the kind of villain that the queer community, myself included, would embrace. But I don’t agree with calling her a queer “icon.” Besides, the first inadvertent queer Marvel icon would be Bucky. It’s almost canon at this point.

When you try to be tongue-in-cheek but just end up being foot-in-mouth. Even for comedy this is just gross.

Totally agree. It was so refreshing to see a male lead that wasn’t over-the-top Manly McTesterone. Newt was charming and funny and sweet and still a hero. It’s nice to see on the big screen that anyone can be a hero.

It’s not just about the storyline. It’s about Spencer doubling down and writing liberals as criminals in his comics. It’s about Permutter, the CEO of Marvel, donating to Trump’s campaign. Marvel just doesn’t get it.

Never even considered this trope! Fascinating

I can’t believe anyone wants another “dark and gritty” DC movie. Cutting Boomerang, more Batman, less pop songs? So it’s another dull failure like the Superman movies.