Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

Alfas never had gated manuals, os in a way it keeps with tradition. Even if incredibly cool it is not a good idea for a normal car even its performace version.

The 159 really have a nice looking interior, it is simple/elegant and don’t look dated as fuck as with may cars of this period which first came with infotainments.

Mike I love that you and your wife named your kids after a cartoon charcaters, even if one of them draw the short stick. It takes a lot of balls and I respect that, because I know most probably I will not be able to do that, when one day I have kids of my own.

So if I understand you right, every single game that is created must have this diversity thing if it is meant for consumption by the whole world. You are telling me if somebody tries to make a game about the Zulu people in Africa, or that cute game about the Inuits or it is is based around Persian history or the

I can’t fathom how some people just can’t understand that white people can hate other white people and try to kill them, enslave or convert them. They kind of understand that arabs can hate other arab people, black people can hate other black people etc., but they just can’t assimilate that we in Europe have had at

Oh, I am not gamergater in any shape or form, the whole GG/SJW narrative is the two sides of one coin for me. I am just an Eastern European guy, who for the first time in his life got offended on the internet, when a bunch of assholes told us to go fuck our culture and traditions, because it doesn’t adhere to their

Animating sheaths properly is hard, I hope they left it for the end, because it is not so important for now and till release they have them, because it is fucking hillarious how usafe this looks.

Well this is SP only and comparing both is kind of appls to oranges, except for the setting the two games don’t have so much in common.

I am sad for you, because shady business practices are so fuckin’ common in the former communist countries(I live in one work for a small business), we are working with a Czech company and after over a decade of good work they stabbed us in the back in numerous ways. Pulling shit like that is so common that we are

I just wait when this game is released and the politiclly correct/only USA morals and thinking is right crowd and media, accuse them like CDPR that they are racist, misogynistic other bad things, because no people of color or other minorities. And than not try to understand the logical explanations for those cases.

Nothing new, a survey among owners of new cars here in Bulgaria, say that people that bought Kia and Hyundai are most likely to buy again and are satisfied with the quality of their cars. Toyota is third. On the other hand Ford is last and things like MB and Audi are also almost at the bottom.

I am not sure what happened with SH, yes, Konami killed Team Silent, but the game is set in US and I never understood why the other devs couldn’t match - atmosphere and even gameplay(most probably they were just not talented enough). The only thing particularly Japanese was the monsters design, but they are still

One of my life goals is to have a restaurant/beer bar and be awesome like those people. I just can’t stand people be rude to employees or just be utter assholes and think that anything is allowed.

The only thing I want from the career mode is that not all voices are variants of thug style. I meant a white boy talking like a gangbanger is absolutely hilarious at first, but become tiresome after some time. The same actually apply to every colour skin. Why make them all so though, give them some normal voices.

Finally Valve are doing something consumer friendly. Refunds are much needed part, if they want to stay on top with a tightened market. For all the hate Origin, is the leading when it comes to refunds/customer service with Blizzard coming second. GoG is trailing and more or less Steam was on the bottom. This will not

Well AMD’s HBM VRam can be a big thing, but you are mostly right with the assumptions. I was just a little bit trolly/a real question why is current gen so underpowered.

Well both companies must want to do it, so AMD can do it, if possible of course.

But when will the hardware revision come Sony? The same question for MS.

Those stories are so strange and alien to me. Except for the first story which is creeper extraordinaire and kilt guy which is a common joke here in Europe(yes it happens more than you think). But the others, I just can’t fathom, the amount of sexual harassment and not good things to do are staggering. I don’t say

Hey don’t label us all Nice Guy™ in one group. I am just a nice guy, one of the not seen before, guy with female friends and don’t want to fuck every single one of them. The implication is that either your friends assume you are manwhore or gay. There is just no understanding to most man that there can be a nice