Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

R* will not pass on the money they will get from the PC version. They would recoup every single cent for the PS4/One/PC ports so it would be stupid not to do it, when developing for current gen and PC is so similar. GTA4 even with its abysmal launch sold very well on PC so it would be like leaving money on the table

Why is the left side to be the correct one? I always thought if there is a correct side it would be right, because the old one/two pumps stations, had them very near the building, so this would make much more sense to be right so it could be easier to refill.

It is a highly reworked GM engine.

No, no, no. The Brera like the Challanger is all about looks. Yes ,now the Challanger has all the performance, but it is still not a car that is really a trully drivers car, it is all about driving at reasonable speed and being comfortable. The same thing is with the Brera, you buy it for the looks, actually I think

Torchlight 2 is a good gamer, but not better than current Diablo or even the big patch before RoS. T2 is pretty much dead, Runic never gave it the post release support that Blizzard does on all of its games. And even though it is very decent game, even when you cranck the difficulty is not as challanging and rewarding

The 318i at least had the 318is version(I am speaking for Europe), which made it almost as powerful as a 320i. Lets not talk about the 316i or the tdses though, those were god awful.

I just can't like the Z3 family. It is more or less the worst thing BMW made in their history, even they are trying to forget that the Z3 existed. Even M trim, I am not sure I want to be near them. For the money I will just go with a E46 M3, it is so much better car, with much better styling, handling and overall

It is very interesting to see that, as I also live in an Easter European country, Bulgaria in that case.

I have this dilemma now, I need a new car that is rather small, but very fun to drive. I tested both and I am leaning towars the FiST, because it has more usable backseat space(I have friends you know) and the Recaros are absolutely stellar. I also live in Europe and for some stupid reason Fiat dealership network in

Lol at the one year later news. Last year September was incredibly hot so not so much of a difference.

When they were fiming The Expendables 2 again here in Bulgaria an explosion on a boat killed one stuntman, so yes.

Ummmm the waters of the Black Sea are not icy currently, because it is summer here in Bulgaria . If you consider 27C/80F icy, I don't know where the water is warm.

Eastern Europe, as a part of Europe, not Asia. Okay maybe some parts of Asia, mostly ex-Soviet republics.

Where I live not a single post 2000 G-Wagen is driven by a decent man. Every single driver is either a gangster or the wife of the gangster. More or less this is also the rule for all Eastern Europe.

Didn't you get the memo, nobody goes into Russia and come victorious. Napoleon and the Nazis learned that the hard way.

Man my father gave me the keys to my grandads Lada Samara, that has 0 safety features, except for a seatbelt. And I am 22 yo and haven't crashed in over 20k miles that now I have driven. Currently I drive a '06 CLK which have worse protection than some 2014 econoboxes, but I don't fear I will be dead any second.

Wait what, even here in Bulgaria we will get the i8, we even get the worldwide commercial dubbed in Bulgarian. And we are much poorer than you, but than again we maybe have much bigger criminal contingent with shady money to spent than Hungary.

Look and remember this face, this is the defentiton of how a German looks.

The 159/Brera are decent cars with exceptionally good syling. The problem is they suffer from a lot of the things that Italian cars do, but not so bad as with cars from the past. And actually I am currently looking for one, the problem is this configuration is rather rare and the prices expecially on the Brera here in

And let's not forget, we're talking about a car that weighs 2,495 pounds when specced with options you don't have to choose. That's 50 pounds less than a soft-top Miata. Or to sharpen that point even further, the 4C undercuts the Cayman by nearly 500 pounds and weighs 550 pounds less than the Lotus Evora.