Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

How can you really care about someone who had only 3 scenes with dialog(and not some meaningful one) for the whole game and was shown in another one without? The same was with the captian, at least he had nice accent. How many games actually don't have a happy ending? In a way TR:Legend had one, Far Cry 3 felt gloomy,

Warnign some SPOILERS!

Curse you now I am again sad that most probably we will never see a new Jedi Knigh game with the absolute badass Kyle Katarn.

Supercharged! I will buy it. I am looking into buying one secondhand, 5k Euro less then new, 6 month after release here in Europe. But I made a test drive and performance wise it is unsatisfying compared to my CLK 280.Yes it tail happy and I liked that a lot, but the overal performace can get a significant increase.

1.Aston Martin - they cars are just pure car porn

What were they thinking, with Coolbear?! I know they are chinese and don't comprehend English, but were they thinking of Polarbears or that bears are cool or that it is big as a bear and cool as a car?! And to continue Great Wall Voleex, I just don't have any idea about that.


On the topic of N6, on a lot of VAG products the passanger mirror is smaller(I am pretty sure that on older models is like that, no obsevation for newer). I just don't have any other tought then cost cutting, why this can be? If somebody knows more, can he enlighten me?

I just wait for the second when next gen releases and everybody again start claiming that PC gaming is dead. And this will be told thousands of times and then in the end the PC will still be there and that generetion of consoles will fall out of favor in order to get to the next one(if there is another one).

Electirc steering, drive by wire. Everything that remove mechanical input for electrical. On cheap cars ok, but on sport ones, absolute cheap thinking.

Yeah, but it is RHD and driving a RHD drive car in continental Europe make you look like a cheap bastard. Alsto there is the problem of overtaking on the extensive network of one lane roads here.

Me not like the rims...

So, in Europe you can buy 10 and 9 dirt cheap, there are shitloads of R8s around 50k Euro($70k ) and even the 1M have depriciated slightly.

Koenigsegggggg CCX. The prices are going up. It is badass.  And it is not a mainstream supercar. So yeah. One of the cheapest I've seen cost 550k Euro and it is convertible.

I hope with the money this scumbag got, he will need to buy medicine for him, but even with them he dies. Ok maybe I am a bad person, but things like that are just some steps lower then murderers, rapists, pedofiles, wife beaters and scamers that get money from elder people.

Where can I sign for NuOppo?

How do you post on oppositelock.jalopnik.com? Is it reserved only for some people, like tha old star system? I have only the option to post to my personal blog. It is nice that you will leave the #oppositelock.

I am fan of both brands, but for me a Porsche without manual is no Porsche, so I will take the DB7. Also it is rare and I think it looks better. Also I think the price of the Porsche is too much. Here in Europe you can get one in the same/better condition and manual for around 10k Euro($13k).

This was one of the most amuzing things I have read on the Interwbz in a long time. Most people would have been ashamed/trying to forget such an ordeal. In a way I must say I envy you, for the experience. The closest thing I had to this experience is that I survived 2 days with 5 Euro on my last summer holiday after

LAst night on Oppo I said that: