Have you ever driven a diesel? If you have you must probably know that this torque is not some endless entity. It stops being there very fast and afer a very nice take off you go absolutely nowhere. And the resale value I totally depends on the car.
Have you ever driven a diesel? If you have you must probably know that this torque is not some endless entity. It stops being there very fast and afer a very nice take off you go absolutely nowhere. And the resale value I totally depends on the car.
Yeah the first of the bloated 3 Series and excuse me a diesel in my sport saloon/coupe/wagon, no thank you.
Can somebody explain me why almoste everybody here on Jalopnik is droolong over those diesel engines? It is absolutely beyond me. Diesels are not fun even with some of the big engines in the "premium" cars. Yes they have torque, but it comes and goes in a whim. They are nice for cruising, because of better fuel…
If it is a newer exotic for sure, but an old one, most probably no. Such a long trip in an old car however good have a big chance to make you hate the given car. We must admit it that sports car of the past are cool, but they are neither very reliable, comfy or easy to operate(old Lambo's with their ridiculously hard…
I didn't know what Motroweek was till yesterday, because I am not from Murica. It looks bad from what I've seen now, but this is low Jalopnik. Ripping on like that, is at least a bit unethical. There is a line that I think must not be crossed just for some shits and giggles. I think you can deliver stellar material…
I am going to see the movie tomorrow because of my gf(she's a big fan) and I have only seen the first LoTR film.(yeah I am one of the last 3 ppl on Earth that have not read the books of watched all the films, can't dig the whole idea for some reason). Is it watchabale for a person that have only general idea what LoTR…
Please, fuckin' please, don't call Dacia anything like "high quality, low cost cars". They are neither high quality nor cheap for what they really are. I would take something that have the chance to set itself on fire then Dacia. Just don't make me write every single annoying problem they have. Seriously you are…
I just don't know. I am so indifferent to their cars and I just can't explain it. A father of a friend of mine have last generation XJ with a 3.5 V8 and my friend drives it a lot. When I am in there I just don't feel anything. If I am in something just bland like Toyota or something French I just hate it, because…
Even though Jaaag cars looks nice and are pretty fast, I just don't want to buy something from them. Even if I had the money for a brand new car in their price range, they will not be anywhere on my list. The same is with their old models.
Wait what?! So no more Found around town from Austin TX. where everybody drives a Prius or a bicycle. Me sad.
Hating on the LEDs is also getting old. Here in Europe the European Union have a mandatory rule that cars must be fitted with daylight running lights. Actually the LEDs will get cheaper then putting some foglamps doing that. Also they are small and they put minimal stress on the car's electric system. So in this case…
Volvo is pretty much love-hate company for me. Everything they put new I hate and then after some time I start warming up, I don't know why is that. This is the case with those Polestar concepts. I really just can't like them, maybe in the future things will change.
Even though I love the E46 M3 and E39 M5 I would choose the C63 over both of them, because the Merc is just batshit insane as with a lot of other AMG cars. Yeah maybe the M3/M5 are the drivers cars, you can take them to the track and actually do some laps without your tires getting obliterated, but still I would take…
Yeah right, in some way your(the US) goverment with its absurd system make it all bad. We in Europe have pretty reasonable system how to fight with CO2, yet you ruin it with your half-assed MPG system. In theory good, there will be no oil forever, but the execution is wrong. In Europe we could have all the Ms and AMGs…
By the time the BMW one is applied, we would have long forgotten what i3 from Intel is.
LoL, both Infinity and Lexus are in Europe and allmost everywhere else. Acura is a US-only thing.
Aston for sale is an obvious thing. The company is on a winning streak, but things will end sometime and Investment Dar will loose, now they will gain a lot from a sale.
Even though it is like the DB5 is in every Bond movie. Yeah it is cool car, yeah it appears it is the original one, but still, the lack of some new Aston(or other brand) along with a nice chase scene was the biggest failure for Skyfall.