Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

I think there is nothing to do. They will be or they won't be. My dad and mom are pretty straightforward about cars. For them is ust now a way to haul themself. But I consider myself a gearhead. Nothing special happend.

Double post.

What is that bullshit! I am asking, why are we in Europe paying for the mess you made 4 years ago?! This is one of the most inadequate articles I have ever read here on Jalopnik. You can balme only Americans because those are the one runing GM and they refused to sell Opel when they had the opportunity. Ask your

But he owned a GT, said he like the Corvette a lot(but he was right that it is totally out of place in Europe) and also said nice things about last gen Viper even with the totally out of place comparison with that BMW roadster junk...

Anything from Lada! And no, I am not joking!

Dalthon is painfully underrated in my view. License to Kill is awesome movie both if we look at it as a James Bond movie and if we don't think as(it was different then other Bond movies). It did a lot of things right, Bond was stale after Moore and with this movie it tried to be in tone with the rest of the 80s and it

Where the f**k is the James Bond theme. They they forgot it again?! And if there is not gun barrel shot again, I will kill somebody.


But now the Panamera and the Cayenne alone sale more then 911. I also want Porsche to build something like 944 and 959, but it will never...

Yeah and the repair costs were throug the roof.

This is the answer along, with the all X series along with slaped M badge on top of that. Yep, M stands for Marketing. The ultimate driving machine died with 3 Series E46 and 5 E39...

I don't know why but the Biturbo is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. Something draws me to this car.

That is absolutely surreal. I watched the video and the next second it is deleted...

I hope that this time around we will not have that stupid rubberbanding AI that plagued both Hot Pursuit and The Run singleplayer.

This. This and this. There is so much filler every day, most of the time I miss also the interesting parts.

Where I live STOP signs are obeyed most of the time. The problem is most of the time STOP signs are put badly and you can't see anything, for most of the time I also don't stop, but I always check everything doing like 3-5km/h in first gear, before going further and that is if I have enough visibility. If not I stop

Watermelon with cheese, and I tought others were messed up...

Yeah Blue was awesome even though I as an Easter European got it only for like a month, but it was awesome. Mtn Dew is also cool but it is also dead for me, because of the stupidity of the local Pepsi producer.

Can somebody tell me if the ATS will be available in Europe and when?

Where I live(Eastern Europe - the car junkyard of wealthy Europe) for such car with those problems the seller will ask at least 3000 even $3500. I envy you Americans with your cheap cars(even if most of them are absolute snoozefest)