Did Kotaku changed once again how they structure their reviews?
Did Kotaku changed once again how they structure their reviews?
You suggest to kill the last actually capable, small, cheap offroader. You are completely mad.
I drive a Samara and the Kalina is superior in almost every thing.
Even though I will play the game and grown exited about it, I still can't deal totally with the fact how Dante look and behave and the overall feel of the game.
This man is now my hero. I will also have someday such beard like his.
Roads in Eastern Europe are one of the worst in the world for their condition, but yeah if you can find a one in a decent condition they can offer stunning driving experience, also beautiful sights.
Naah Eastern Europe.
I would really like to take part in a Gumball 3000, but I am not putting all those shit stickers on my car.
At least where I live the police use Opel Astra(now they will be changed by a Chinese hatchbacks by the name of Great Wall) and the highway patrol use some E60 BMW 530i donated by our German friends.
Jason I am sorry for your lose, but implying that cats don't like cars for me is not true. Cats unlike dogs don't need to be walked and are more of a indoors pets. So the chance of them going somewhere in a car is pretty slim.
In Europe I think we would never do something like that. Watermelons are eaten, because they are sweet and watery. In the hot summer days I eat watermelons instead of drinking water. Of course this can be done, because a 2-3kg watermelon is around 70 euro cents...
My Hard disk is also starting to fail, today a partition failure made booting the OS impossible for over an hour, but because of the need to study for finals, I can't tackle the problem and just hope I will be lucky enough it will not fail catastrophically in the next week, when I will be able to get a new one and…
Yeap I feel totally the same. I just changed and how I enjoy and play my game changed a lot from my childhood when I played D2.
Today is the first time I am in total rage with Blizz DRM for D3, a friggin' 1.5 second lag in my SP game is maddening. EU region, do you have the same problem?
Now I want to play Rise of Nation, probably my most loved RTS. It was an exceptional game with very neath mechanics.
The Metro apocalypse is never explained, neither in the books nor in the game. Which makes it even more interesting.
I am also wondering that, I don't understand that part at all.
Actually those are not the doors. The real nuclear doors are after the escalators and that make it even more unbelievable, but maybe actually time have passed, which would have been tedious for us to watch and cut to the bombs falling.