Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

I don't have a single ticket in my two years of driving. And I always drive with at least 10-20 km/h more then the limit, hoon a little and drive kind of scary according to my friends, but I don't understand what they mean by that. :D

Two years ago I was in Murica and all of the fast-food chains except Subway, just made me stop eating fast-food. So disgusting and everything tasted very watery. So back to Europe after 4 months. When I landed I was starving so went to Burger King expecting the same shit and I must tell you the difference in quality

And then we wonder why CoD is such a mainstream successes. There is nothing hard and there is always a tutorial right in front of you when you start a new game.

Еven though I don't live in US of A I will explain how friggin' hard/impossible is to do anything with your car in my country's(Bulgaria) equivalent of your DMV - Control of Automotive Transport(CAT).

Now playing

But, but, Murican cars can't go around corners, what is with all the curved roads.

The regular Mustang(mostly V6) is pretty popular in Europe, the GT with its limited production not so much.

Ohhhhh stop with the Diablo teasing, it is infuriating, 15th of May just can't come soon enough.

Sofia, Bulgaria.

And I thought our bad Eco-friendly Priiii taxis destroy the green as a wanted colour.

Hmmm maybe this will be the first and last time, I will see Lada Samara fly.

Yeap, a manual would have been fantastic. The car look fantastic and maybe it is very good, but the lack of stick maybe would stop me from buying if I had the money for it.

Just not this engine, it is such a mess and very expensive for serious repairs. Oil leak on the second week after a friend bought a VW with on this engines. He was given the same car for the time of repair and it also started leaking. It was totally hilarious.

Where I live this will be on the cheap side for a Hilux like this(part of Europe where those things are pretty uncommon). So if I see one like this it will be NP.

What's with the Monk obsession? For me it felt very boring compared to the Demon Hunter, barbarian and Wizard that I played, ant totally underpowered in a bad way.

Even the with the satanic diesel fuel, that car is friggin good.

I will take one please. I really hope that Cadillac don't stop producing it as it was recently written.

Actually at least Lada and Volga as a brands are not so ad as everyone is trying to say.(I say that as a owner of two Ladas) Yeap they have their share of problems, but those cars are built for people who don't need AC or putting automatic transmission and ABS and Airbags make them to expensive and can go on like

Nope, Eastern Europe(Bulgaria), we also get rarely some nice American cars and to the cheap horrible Daewoo/Chevy cars.

This, my first car. Drove it for year and a half and made around 5000 miles. I love it and still own it and I am making it as a cheap track day car.(as a car is a garbage, but there is some charm I don't know what it is) But with my current '05 Cadi CTS just around 5000 miles from when I bought it last year.