Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

A friend of mine is using early '06 360 and it is perfectly fine even today. Actually he claims that it never had any red lights.

If the guys from RPS are idiots, the rest of the gaming journalism are absolutely brain dead.

We here in Easter Europe have roads in very bad condition, so if you don't drive a Merc, BMW or other luxury car, you can really feel every bump or you can play rally by avoiding the enormous holes in the asphalt.

Y U SO RIGHT?!?!?!!?

Me too and Alcartaz also most probably....

Yep it is so epic, that m browser crashed two times when I wanted to watch it.

Nice Price. Every old car restored to such condition and for really reasonable price like that, is worthy to a car collector. Even though it is not the most classical car in the world, the effort of just doing something like this to make an old car stay on the roads and not face a future related with spoons is

Can somebody transcribe what the guys said? It is so mind-boggling to know that they are talking English, but understand only single words.

The same story with my grandad. he also developed Alzheimer and in the early signs when he was still driving he forgot 3 times where he parked his car. At a later date his driving license expired and he didn't got new, but he was very stubborn to drive his Volvo 340. Somehow we managed to explain to him that he can't

No BRG, no good English racing car!

I remember when here in Europe prices of gasoline were under $2 for a US gallon now we pay around $2 for a litre...

Yes this a serious problem and I also will be kind of offended if the name for the program is so close to the name of a girls pop group...

I intended to make me and my gf happy tonight, but then I saw and heard that absolutely glorious piece of video and I really think that I can't be more happy right now, so screw sex I will watch this again and again, she can wait.

I built my rig at the end of 2006 for around $1000, the next year I bought 8600GT and additional RAM. And I haven't had problem running anything, yeah later games on low, but I was never a graphic whore. :) Exactly 4 years after I bought the 8600 it failed and I bought a budget GT440 and additional RAM and some games

Rebuilt engines are not bad, but it must be done by your observation and must at least understand how it is made. If you buy a car with rebuild engine, you really need to take it out and check it if you don't want nasty surprises. I clicked NP, just because it is an Epsrit and if the restoration is good it will be a

This is a cheap way to get good-looking car for the police fleet and use them for more official stuff then the regular cars. Or at least that we do in Bulgaria. We have Porsche Cayene, Boxster, different Mercedes models again like the case with the Boxster some convertible ones, Lancer Evo 8, and some others and they

I as an European that actually like things like WTCC, WRC, DTM, Porsche Supercup and some other such races, really don't see the point of NASCAR. Cars that have technology stuck in the 60s are nothing entertaining. In the other races they at least try to make them more realistic looking and even though I know that

I have forgotten how epic the BF theme is.

'05 Cadi CTS 3.2 V6 - 8 months

Second hand of those used by the communist government of Bulgaria, put on auction some years ago, fetched prices of up to $ 120 000 and those were really built in the 80s. I actually ride on a car show in own of those and if I have $ 250 000 and need a limo I will definitely buy one of those.