Bukkakillary Clinton

Starring Stephen Baldwin.

700 hours sure sounds like they got their money’s worth.

On your 701st hour in a row I think you and your chafing cock would not miss more sex.

She’s still hot.

Only romantically.

They’d probably make a ton of money televising the live paralization of Jeremy Piven.

you mean the baseball is a different SIZE than MLB?!?

So how much do they say the men get?

The reach is strong with Samer and Ezekiel. BFD

Lifelong Spurs fan here since the Admiral was drafted. It’s Westbrook. And it’s not even particularly close.

Chrome has been wonky for me too the last day or two. Must be the chinamen hackers.

It’s a lot easier when you don’t have to obey the laws of physics.

I just got back from the cemetery making funeral arrangements for my dad and can barely function, but listening to a pro athlete argue so vehemently about evolution makes me smile. Particularly when it’s a guy who would likely tear his ACL before the wolf made contact with him in the backfield.


It has to get power through that port too tho.

Waco being Waco

I’ve got big nuts and I cannot lie.

10 is legit good. Not OSX good, but good.

+1 mangled hobo under a golf cart taxi

Tonight on Golf Cart Gypsy Cabs!