Building Rockets

It's all been downhill since they brought Family Guy back from the dead. Sometimes dead is better.

I had no intention of watching the movie, but I'll usually read a review of anything that warrants a rare F, if only because I miss My Year of Flops so very much.

I don't know why, but this feels absolutely true.

Or, even more dramatically, some combination of AIDS and cancer. We could call it something like…um…AIDScer!

We're talking about a totally outrageous paradigm!

It sounds like one of the bands I was in in college. I dug it!

I had that same thought, but figured cavemen weren't close enough in time to Gladiator for that hint to make any sense.

I had this same experience, and thought I must have confused Rhodes with the guy who writes the Straight Dope column. But I was right; they're both named Cecil.

My mom rented it and made me watch it when I was in high school. She has a thing for post-apocalyptic dystopia movies.

Here, let me correct that for you: There are a LOT of emissions on this list.

You accidentally typed "here".

I once almost named a band The Warren Cheswick Experience. How are you rewatching it?

But most of the time they're just asking why it says, "Obth".

Which one's Pink?

I watched that show pretty religiously. I remember it being good, but I also remember knowing everything as a teenager back in 1995.

That's exactly how I always explain MCIS to people who say that it should've been a single album. It blew my 15 year-old mind at the time with how it just seemed like they decided to use every idea they ever had all on one album.

I was almost there, but got to the stage late. At least you can say you got to see him play.

Up until reading that a moment ago, I thought the opening lines of the Full House theme song went, "Whatever happened to predictability/The milkman, the paperboy, even MTV?"

Yep, this. I know I've watched this movie at least once, but the only things I remember are "Rex Manning Day" and that Liv Tyler is in it.

Agreed. Also, the Langley Schools version of "Desperado" is also superior to the original.