Building Rockets


I'm glad he handed it off. "The Waldo Moment" is the only episode of Black Mirror that I would consider a failure, and it was also a semi-abandoned episode of another show. After Parks and now six episodes into The Good Place, I have faith in Michael Schur to do right by a weird premise (I also have a soft spot for

I came down here to ask this very question. Oh, AV Club Comments, never change.

I've heard that if the joke is legitimate, most comment sections naturally have ways of shutting those kinds of things down.

It sets up the sequel, Grease 2: Grease In Space.

Yep. I saw them at Fun Fun Fun Fest when they headlined, and I don't remember if the crowd was making any noise or not because I was pretty much just transfixed the whole time.

I've never really heard that in their music, although all the reviews of their early records used NMH as a comparison point.

You're correct. The drama is pitched quite a bit lower in Chef, but I enjoyed it more.

First comment! Did I do that right?

Is it just me, or did this episode just kind of stop instead of end, like everybody just gave up instead of writing a final draft?

This. Every time I make that drive that stretch seems to defy the laws of time and space by just how long you can drive without seeing anything interesting whatsoever.

I'm from Jacksonville. I think it's a pretty good analogy.

What does her real voice sound like?

I was actually half-looking forward to that show because of Jeffrey Tambor and Collette Wolfe (who was great on Cougar Town), and half-dreading it because of Dane Cook. At the end of the day, I'm glad Desmin Borges and Wolfe got freed up to be on this show and Tambor was available for Transparent, even though I

This season has been solid A material all the way through. I've enjoyed it more than last season and I'm not ready for the finale already.

Mrs. Rockets and I saw this tonight thanks to some free movie tickets, and it's a lot better than I thought it would be. The last 10 minutes, though, make me wonder if there wasn't a substantial amount of setup left on the cutting room floor. Everything wraps up a little too quickly and the last scene seems to be

I totally came in here to see if anybody noticed that the exteriors looked like those from Community, and boom, first comment. You never let me down, you guys.

I only used two bookmarks, but I had to go back and re-read a lot, mostly because I mostly just read it on flights. It took me about two years.

Last week or so when the Hatesong for "Wonderful Christmastime" went up, I listened to "Freedom" again for the first time in 14 years just to assure myself that "Wonderful Christmastime" is not the worst song Paul McCartney ever wrote.

Sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads?