Building Rockets

I was also one of those kids.

Holy shit, I've been saying that for 25 years and totally forgot where it came from. Me and all of my friends loved the crap out of Monster Squad back when we were eight or so.

As I've mentioned before, I dragged my parents to see Batman and Robin. I apologized afterward.

It worked fine on the website on my iPad. Once I figured out that it was treating the episodes like a regular video (i.e. no ads, no weird buffering) as opposed to whatever the laptop was doing, I was all set. I don't have one of those new-fangled flat, internets-connecting TVs.

The live version, which showcases Lindsay Buckingham's awesome guitar playing, is so much better than the studio version. You should definitely check it out.

Once the pizza place was gone, there was no topping those early episodes.

I laughed pretty hard at the tag.

I've actually used that line on several occasions, including my nephew's baptism. It's never appropriate to the situation, but every now and again I get a thumbs-up from someone before I'm asked to leave.

I missed it too until I read the live tweets hours later with the head writer. I damn near ran the category too, except I guessed "1,001" places to go before you die.

This was exactly my reasoning as well. I figured there was something I was missing.

It's a schooner.

Plus, was it "MARE-ee-oh" or "MAR-ee-oh?" So many arguments on the playground about that one.

We have enough mouth-breathers here in Texas *coughLouie Gohmertcough*, we don't have room to claim any more. How about Florida? Has Ted ever spent any time in Florida?

WHAAAAAAAT?!? *checks IMDB* Well, I'll be.

Here in the sane part of Texas (Austin, outside of the Capitol building), we refer to Ted Cruz as "that loudmouthed Canadian moron."

I just binge-watched the first season again and with the commercials for Married that FX has been running, was looking forward to YTW alongside it. Then I found out that they just started shooting season 2 a few weeks ago and won't premiere until the entire season is done. Kind of a bummer, but I'm glad I'm not alone

I heard Led Zeppelin did something kinda like that once.


Nobody loves a snook.