Yeah, I’ve been a Jezebel fan/commenter for a *while*, but...I simply cannot afford ANOTHER monthly fee.
Yeah, I’ve been a Jezebel fan/commenter for a *while*, but...I simply cannot afford ANOTHER monthly fee.
Pay to post?? What is it twitter?
The best response I’ve seen is that Disney makes her character canonically trans. “I’m Cara Dune. I was born a man, but I identify as a woman,” as we watch the impotent rage behind her eyes.
Half of me wants him to spend the rest of his life, however long, paying for the bad things he’s done to others and to America. Half of me wishes him to stroke out and die tomorrow. Which is better?
Hands are way too large and his hair should be on fire. As he said, still trying to get the hang of it. 🫢
At this point, she knew who Hammer was. She is in showbiz and has heard the stories covered extensively. She knows his penchant for tattooing women, she heard about the cannibalism. She is a grown woman in her 30s. Doesn’t work for him. He has no hold over her. So what is the story here exactly? Shitty man I willing…
I’m sorry but at this point any woman who’s heard of Armie Hammer and the accusations and is still willing to even go on a date with him, much less fuck him and let him tattoo them, deserves to be eaten.
Who knew a grown woman needed her co-star’s permission to date someone. Do these people live in the 1700’s?
He... asked Larry David for permission to date Cheryl Hines? That’s disturbing on multiple levels, not the least of which is his apparent inability to tell fact from fiction, which, I guess we already knew.
I’m just going to say it. The reason you’re not getting a lot of clicks and comments in Dirt Bag anymore is because you’re covering people we don’t give a shit about. Lizzie Maguire and RH (Kyle) gossip.
I would really like to see Kimmel sue Rodgers until Aaron’s wealth matches his IQ.
So Dershowitz is equating what he did with wartime rape and torture? Sounds about right.
Well, we can be sure of one thing, and it’s that Rodgers is a pedo. Every accusation is a confession with these people.
Turns out when people are allowed to laser focus on a single issue when voting the progressive ideas tend to be popular. Almost as if the first-past-the-goal system of elections reduces choice down to a series of compromises about personal values, and some Republicans are more than happy to betray their beliefs about…
I’ve never understood how the party of limited government justifies interfering in health care choices. I mean I get that they feel the need to keep the ladies in “their place” but can you imagine a similar ban on *anything* for men?
And so is the comment section! Hurray!
I think they’re still short an editor in chief TBH. Not a wealthy or particularly well run site.
Al Pacino is still acting and he is still fully in charge of his faculties. He is 100% responsible for where he sticks his dick and for what results from it.