
Really fun write-up! Glad there’s some rougey grognard representation on the site. You’re deffo one of my fav new writers on around these parts, belated greetings!

Yes, I concur, great piece, thank you! And thanks for the follow-up comment, this COD3-story was also quite enjoyable. Bonkers!

I quite enjoyed this piece, great work! :D

Now playing

Noclip did a terrific three part series covering the saga: (featuring surprisingly frank interviews)

Haha, tremendous! :D I also quite enjoyed the way the video was edited to give a comprehensive overview of the situation.

A little disappointed she did not sound like Dr. Girlfriend

Thank you for the technical explanation! Enlightening.

It’s commendable that you take the time to respond intelligently and eloquently, even to comments such as these. I don’t know if people actually want to engage in any sort of reasonable discourse, but hopefully you get through and perhaps make some people consider your well-argued views. (You rock! :D)

Regarding thecatamites: Strongly recommend his important work Space Funeral