
She isn’t spotless, but I think she’s pretty fantastic.

Neil Gaiman and the late, and missed, Terry Pratchett.

So white silence is white violence but speaking up is also offensive. Totally makes sense.


Alright, I’ve kept my mouth shut reading these comments but you using the word empathy triggered (heh) a response. I’m not attacking you but just out of sheer curiosity, do you figure that black / latino men are beholden to this stunt? Do white women have a pay their own tax since they are certainly paid more than the

Men think they don’t like having feminism shoved down their butthole, but if you just sneak feminism down their butthole during oral and wiggle it a bit right before they climax, you will officially be a sex goddess and they will propose instantly!

Anybody upset about this isn’t likely to be going to a vegan restaurant in the first place.

Um, is a vulva stone like Paltrow’s jade eggs?

Yeah, I dunno. I see what they’re trying to do. But maybe coffee should just be for staying awake, not staying woke.

“Intentionally listened to Taylor Swift through an online service.”

Absolutely not. And just like in the policing business, the psychology field attracts a certain amount of sociopaths, because they want that control over a persons whole being. I once hear that surgeons have high degrees of strains of sociopathy. It has GOT to be much higher in the mental health field. You can

Breakfast. Also, lunch.

I’m terrible with actual rules of etiquette, but I feel like I’ve heard that when shaking a woman’s hand, you’re supposed to wait for her to offer her hand first. So I feel like you’re doing it exactly right.

Unpopular opinion, but therapists always seem put their own pride and feelings of self satisfaction before the humanity of their patients. They think that their not being frustrated and not being called a shrink is more important than building trust and having empathy.

Hand shaking is awful anyways. 75% of the time at work, it’s somebody I dislike. And then they wanna show how big a man they are with crushing, or it’s just fingers, or their hand are clammy, or they are just a dirty person.

As far as women go, I follow their lead. If they wanna shake, I’ll shake. If they wanna hug, I

Don’t worry everyone… I got this.

#3: Get your second bedroom and enjoy it. Because something that leads to divorce way more often is being so exhausted that everything your spouse does is irritating.

Yeah, we sure wouldn’t want to ruin this little sociopath’s bright future... 

Some of Tatro’s accusers waited to come forward because of confusion over their connection him and understanding of consensual sex.