
The eclipse is happening because the Sun God Ra is angry with us and is hiding his face in condemnation of Trump and current world events. Learn your facts, people.

It feels like you’re not safe anywhere anymore, now that vehicles can be weapons. Can’t you walk on a sidewalk anymore? Its terrifying. What a terrible time.

Fingers crossed.

Send it to me, please. Send all the whiskey in all the land to me. Please and thank you.

Or... he IS Beetlejuice, and we’ve been missing what’s right in front of us the whole time. I mean, do you think its just a “coincidence” that they both have insane hair? Come on, wake up Sheeple!

Don’t even fucking JOKE about that, you’re gonna summon him by invoking his name. Like Bloody Mary.

I love the way Taylor handled all this, from beginning to end. But maybe a line or 2 about what The Joyful Heart Foundation is, and what they do? Or at least a link, so we don’t have to Google it. We’re pretty lazy these days.

But, but but... Ivanka’s a Jew! Trump CAN’T be a Nazi sympathizer!

I’m guessing this was Google translated. This was a Swiss hotel.

Things can’t go on like this, can they? For the next 3 and a half years? There has been more insane shit since this past November than in Obama’s entire 8 years of presidency. How can things go on like this?

I think that, too! Its the only theory that makes sense.

Since these people are neo-nazis and hate Jews as much as black people, can Jews be upset too? Or is it only POC? I am getting really tired of being told by certain blogs that I am not allowed to be as upset by the events in Charlottesville as POC. I am Jewish, I have relatives that were killed by the original Nazis,

As long as they are not arrested by government officials, their right to free speech is intact. Although, hate speech is not protected under the 1st amendment, and I’m pretty sure this qualifies.

RIP, Terry! You are sincerely missed.

I actually really liked this one of her early songs. I also like “Cold as You”. Some of her early work was really good, if a bit country.

I love everything Pratchett wrote besides “the long earth” series. Good concept, very dull.

Pratchett is absolutely awesome (you may be able to tell my opinion by my username) but so is Neil Gaiman. Its not either/or.

Saudi Arabia is 3rd world? What about the entire UAE? That’s pretty developed, but I still would not put it on my vacation list if I was Black, Gay, or Trans.

One of these things just isn’t the same.