BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

Which is awesome, and the manual is coming for the S and SE trims later in the year, at 1,200$ less

The worst was that Arrow was suppose to get Nightwing during season 2 or 3 and Warners took it away from them due to the fact that they were supposed to make the Titans show on TNT that never happened. I just want him represented in live action just once before my time on this earth is over. And no those crappy

Best marvel character not yet in a movie? Fuck you, Squirrel Girl is about 27 rungs down the list. Right around the same level as Big Bertha. I can list about 75 that go above her right off the top of my head starting with Moon Knight and all the way down to fucking Adam X the X-Treme.

I loved some of his new scores for that movie. Especially Rey’s theme and the one during the end scene.

It ain’t over until it’s over.

Dude couldn’t be more jealous of Heath Ledger if he tried.

But lets be honest here not just those but all superheroes that kill indiscriminately has largely existed as a comment on the genre and large aspects of society it is just when they get popular and lose the subtext that it becomes disturbing fascist justice porn where the lone wolf kills criminals and crime is not

Is ‘cat’ making a comeback? Can I start using it again? Please?

(1.) The car tells you when it’s in Park both on the dash and gear stick. You ALWAYS check this before you exit any car.

Um, I’m still salty it’s not this Barry...

That’s not a twist. It’s a casting decision for a new character. A twist might have been recasting the old character with an African-American woman.

Oh they understand it fine, but sexism controversies get way more clicks.

Why the sun? It would only take 30 Seconds to Mars

you deliberately left out that also chinese and japanese people are mentioned... just to make your argument... cheap shot.

I think you’re misusing the “fridge” term here; in this case, Lois’ death isn’t a throw-away “look-how-high-the-stakes-are-now” moment. It’s the key event that starts Superman’s turn to the dark side. Yes, a female character dies here, but so does nearly everyone in Metropolis, and these deaths aren’t meaningless to

I hope Tom Welling is Sean Young’ing it in front of Berlanti’s house.

I don’t really see the issue either. Steve and Sharon definitely had a flirty thing going on until she had to reveal herself as an agent, and didn’t Natasha at some point kind of nudge Steve to the fact that Sharon liked him? Anyway, Sharon not only was attractive and flirty and just happened to be Peggy’s niece, but

I don’t care if they are gay or straight, but just because two guys are close friends doesn’t make them gay. Bucky is Steve’s childhood friend, and then they fought a war together. You are going to have a special bond with that person that will be as close as two people can be, whether or not you are attracted to them

I don’t see the issue. Steve and Peggy didn’t have a physical relationship. They had an attraction and flirtation. They didn’t even go out on a first date. Steve and Sharon had a flirtation and an attraction, then kissed.

Im fine with cons hiring cosplayers for panels and whatnot - if they want them.