BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

Nine movies in (twelve if you count the Fantastic Four movies), and Fox still hasn’t quite figured out how to make superhero costumes work without relying on tongue-in-cheek comedy (Deadpool) or copious amounts of black leather (every other X-Men movie).

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

All choices have consequences.

True and every movie version has technically killed a bunch of people too. Oddly it’s often done via Batmobiles.

It actually sort of drives me crazy that people think she’s such a poor character. Go ask any woman you encounter in your life what their reaction would be if their long-term, serious boyfriend was suddenly tragically killed. Now ask them how they’d feel if they also found out that the same boyfriend that was killed

Silly you, Sin had nothing to do with Felicity so she had to go.

Totally true about the pits, I just mean it’s a pretty mystical world. (and that rascal Ra’s has a bunch).

So we lose the Black Canary of Green Arrow and Black Canary fame, for the weepy Felicity, who got angry at Oliver for some bullshit reasons.


This episode was terrible and offensive. Let me explain why:

Yea gods, why couldn’t it have been Felicity..?

Yeah, the point I was making was the double-standard of how people react to the castings of, say, Spider-man or Danny Rand vs. how people are reacting to Colleen Wing. Suddenly, being faithful to the original story and character is an non-issue.

Then criminals will just buy phones off of craigslist or eBay or pawn shops or off of people they know.

But that doesn’t fit the agenda now, does it? It just gives people an excuse to act condescending and appalled.

I thought she was being a big jerk concerning the people getting murdered. Because she is heartbroken. Because she broke up with Ollie for a dumb reason.

Ugh the Felicity thing is making me hate this show some. I hope this farewell is final cause I don’t want more Ollicity drama llamas. Felicity being a jerk about unnecessary drama she herself caused was just the worst.

I think the last scene from Ultron suggests he finally agrees with you.

Right. Over the course of 5 or 6 movies. Iron Man’s character arc is largely about what to do with his power and at this point in the evolution of the character believing that government accountability is necessary for superpowered vigilantes makes sense.

Which is exactly why this Goodwill program is not shitty. With GM or Toyota or Takata lawsuits, people won’t see ANY money for years, at least VW owners are going to get $1,000 RIGHT NOW.