BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

Who wants nuance and actually paying attention to the text of a movie when you have an opportunity to complain about gender politics, though?

100% agree about Ward Meachum. He is, easily, my favorite supporting character of all the Netflix shows. 

Comment of the day so far, take your damn star!

Yeah, alas io9 doesn’t see that “Martial artist? He should be Asian” is significantly more racist than casting a white actor as a white comic book character.

Why does everything have to be underwhelming or overwhelming? Why can’t something just be whelming?

Now playing

Honestly, Justice League had one of my favorite moments from any superhero film- And I say that as someone who thinks most of DC’s slate has been complete garbage.

You were trying to negotiate a retail car using NADA trade value. There lies the issue

The reason you know that this ain’t happening is because if “all the dealers” were in cahoots and listing the prices high, then there would be the one cut throat mofo out there that would be undercutting them and selling every car they got while the rest of the overpriced dealers couldn’t sell their cars.

Can confirm. Own a small used car dealership, and people routinely get offended that we will not sell a vehicle to them for less than we paid. The margins are small for small independent non-bhph dealers.

Honestly why would ANYONE want a new character using the name of an established one? What is wrong with a new character?

That makes no sense.

I.Don’t.Get.It.Either....her music seems extremely generic...

Or the late Whitney.

I wonder if having to play opposite a six time Tony winner whose voice would have blown her out of the green screen room had anything to do with it...

Is anyone surprised? Beyonce taking a bit part is an insult to her Perfection (TM) (R) (C).

She’s a certifiable nut job surrounded by sycophants who tell her that she is flawless. She ain’t got nothing on Tina Turner.

I.Don’t.Get.It.Either....her music seems extremely generic, like it wants to be good janet jackson or chaka khan but isn’t....but she is queen so blah blah blah.... She’s on the list of people I change the channel whenever her song comes on...right there with Katy Perry

Maybe its just me...cis PoC male, but I don’t get the hype. People act like she is the second coming of Jesus or something.