BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

A) I love Eddie Brock Venom enough to sit through a movie just about him and...

Charlie Hunnan plays a gangster but you referenc his role in Pacific Rim? Wat?

So like Spike in the last season of Angel

I was really hoping Avengers 4 would be World War Hulk...

Music Meister in The Flash film?

So, small piece of relevant information: the MQB 2.0T is a significantly different engine than what we have here in the GLI. The MQB version is almost a complete clean sheet design when compared to the Gen 1 (Mk6 GTI) and is much more like an advancement of the Gen 2 version (Audi Valvelift TSI engine). The GLI,

But he’s hilarious and a really nice dude.

Top Gear America was a treasure (that episode especially) but all anyone ever cared about was that it wasn’t the original. 😒

Oh noes! Who will poison all the rivers and turn them toxic orange without the EPA?

I’m gonna guess he’s either Richard Rider or Mar-Vell. Either way would limit him to not much more than 1 or 2 movies but give his role some gravitas.

So far, Ezra has been way more Wally than Barry.

Tom, I understand not wanting your customers to pay excessive fees and especially not sketchy taxes. But please, please, PLEASE don’t tell people that GAP is gaf. If it was that worthless, countless manufacturers wouldn’t build it into their leases. I would argue that it isn’t necessary in every situation, but when

Except Suicide Squad was written and produced before a Trump presidency was even a possibility...

I know it’s not a luxury car, but the interior really is a nice place to spend some time. Its like a 550 without the pomp and circumstance.

Flash is on its 4th director because of sites like i09 taking every chance they get to get in a dig on DC for their movies. A couple of the those directors could have made a seriously awesome movie, but everyone is terrified to have their name attached to a DC movie now. They aren’t even bad, they’re just different

Sam Witwer all the things!

He’ll always be Eric Matthews to me.

Io9 would really appreciate it if youd let them keep acting like everyone loves everything Marvel does so that they can keep telling their anti-DC narrative.

Don’t forget, it’s got the DSG instead of the 6-speed slushbox

I think there has to be consideration that characters like The Punisher and Red Hood don’t exist strictly for their own existence. Both of them started out, and still are, extensions of the greater universe that they’re in. In the same way that a Daredevil, Spider-Man, or Batman believes that taking the life of a