BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

I just wanna know what happened with Hawkeye in Budapest...

Wally has. Barry is a lot more in line with the traditional “stand and deliver” type of hero personality. Its a shame that the movie seems to not get that.

One of the most underrated shows ever.

I have a feeling Marvel is REALLY regretting casting Frank Grillo.

So what you’re saying is that these teen titans are going to deliver some young justice? Nah man, Marvel is chock full of good, original ideas...

Given that everyone in this universe is supposed to be on the “older” side of things, how is Hamm NOT Superman?!

Tom Welling or GTFAC.

According to DC tradition, it should have Crisis somewhere in the title...

Pretty sure it’s gonna be Merlyn, not Vixen that comes back. But I’m more so hoping for a massive Flash/Arrow cross over to end the season right.

Well one of them needs to be named War of the Gems!

The DSG is rated to 450ftlb of torque. And the turbos making 500hp are offering just about that level of torque output

Well, there’s obviously only two options at this crucial junction:

I miss Spiegel :(

VW was in for a reckoning with their dealers long before dieselgate. I love VW and think they make a quality product, but the dealer network is troubled at best. They are perfectly content with clustering dealers and making them all duke it out. When I was selling VWs, there were 4 others within a half hour. If you

The problem is that the ATS Coupe already has enough uphill battles to face in the market without ANOTHER coming from home base. (the new Camaro is a lot of the same car for usually 25% cheaper)

A concealed carry permit does not mean that person is any more likely to be violent than anyone else. In fact, if someone is willing to go through the process of obtaining one, they’re probably legit. However, if someone has a license to smoke, they’re more likely to do something stupid while high. I’ll take CC over

Please do!

Shoulda been Olyphant

So in other words, a common plot device that still works in unknown franchises doesn’t work when you’re rehashing old material and everyone already knows the outcome.

Whaaaaaaat?! A show with a weak lead about a C-List character can’t survive on “Girl Power” alone?! I’m shocked!